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Privateer Contact Network / PCN

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

PCN is a Network of contacts stablished in the UEE Navy, promotion of 2938. The Pilots assigned to patrol the Kellog system, knonwn as “Ronin Squadron” forged a friendship in combat with the Vanduul and different pirate clans.


PCN is a Network of contacts stablished in the UEE Navy, promotion of 2938. The Pilots assigned to patrol the Kellog system, known as “Ronin Squadron”, forged a friendship in combat with the Vanduul and different pirate clans.

Many of the Ronin Squadron pilots left the UEE Navy after their first Tour of Duty, and the Privateer Contact Network is how they keep in touch, share jobs and help each other in their roamings of the ‘verse.


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