People of Terra (POT) / PEOOFTERRA

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Transport
  • Smuggling

People of Terra is a corporation specializing in high-risk and confidential cargo. We supply the resources to transport your cargo to any destination in the most safe, efficient and cost-effective manner as possible. Choose POT as your transport specialists!


Our history is just starting. Devoted to a prosperous and rewarding venture in making People of Terra the premier logistics company in the verse. Join our growing and talented team to shape POT in the corporation to be modeled after!


Focused on non-violent measures of procuring resources and credits by dealing with and treating everyone with the same equality. We freelance our services to whomever needs it. We promise discretion, security and satisfaction and our top priorities. Even though we are a mostly peaceful corporation, we strongly believe in protecting our assets with the most advanced technology and devastating firepower coupled with the most skilled pilots and crew around. On these goals and vision, we strive to best the best and most sought after transportation corporation in the Universe. We believe in a ordered structuring pertaining to the corporation and working together towards a common goal. We hold each other accountable for commitments, but believe even more strongly in a individuals will to play anyway he or she so chooses.

Our corporation is divided into 6 divisions:

Security Division-This division is responsible for the safety and security of the corporation, its employees, its assets and its clients assets. Security will provide the escorts necessary to all operations in need of protection. they will also be our ground assets and provide the boarding parties, policing, and oversight for all corporation operations and activities. Will be involved with bounty missions ass they are assigned. The division is supervised by the Director of Security and is overseen and ultimately under the control of the *Office of the Vice President, Raidian.

Mining Division- The mining division is responsible for the procurement and refinement of corporation resources. Will conduct on-site mining operations and will be responsible for locating and evaluating new sources of income and ore deposits. The Director of Mining is he immediate supervisor and has most control over the mining processes. The Director operates under the direction of the Board.

Engineering Division-Engineering is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all fleet ship and assets. Will perform mobile repair and combat engineer duties. On call to where ever they are needed, they will be the most mobile division. Engineering is headed by the Director of Engineering and is under the oversight of the Board.

Transportation division-Carries out the corporations bulk cargo operations. Will operating the most with other divisions and will travel the most. Is responsible for the safety and time management of client’s cargo. Operates under the Director of Transportation who is under the direction of the Board.

Medical Division-Operates the Hospital ship and cutlass red ships, medical division is the caretaker for the corporation. Provides medical support to any and all who are in need, they will be at the forefront of medical care and technology. The medical division is operated under the Director of Medicine. The Director is supervised by the Board.

Agent of the Corporation-Is tasked with the relations and dealing with entities outside standard empire rules and regulations. Deals with Syndicates and agents for other factions to create new trade and cargo routes. Operates largely under cloak, the Agent is only under the direct supervision of the President, Persueder.

Under these divisions, People of Terra hope to become the go-to for the universes many needs. We strive to be the best each and every time.


The Corporation is set up to be strong. A strong organization is a lasting and successful one. This is why we utilize the tier system, because it works. The President, Vice President, Director of Affairs, Chief Marketing Officer, Director of Security, Director of Medicine, Director of Engineering, Director of Mining, and Director of Transportation are whom make up the Board. All decisions based around the corporation will be handled through the Board in a diplomatic and peaceful way. This is designed to give a say to each member in how they view the corporations should be run and the direction we wish to pursue.

p. Under the board we have the managers, the Directors assistants and driving force behind our operations and are responsible for organizing the Team Leaders to complete their tasks. The team leaders and are the backbone of the corporations. The hand-on crew and movers of the corporation, the Team Leaders are essential to our success. New employees will be under the guidance of Team Leaders and Managers. Employees will learn the basics and fundamentals of our corporation and be allowed to explore and communicate with other employees to decide if People of Terra is right for them. Once requirements are satisfied, designated employees will be promoted and assigned to their appropriate division and either their own request, or automatically assigned by the Board to the most needed division.

People of Terra prides itself on its dedication and loyalty to its employees, and supports all it members to the fullest. By offering generous profit sharing and an amazing reward system, P.O.T. employees can be rest assured that their needs and wants will be met with to the highest standards. We will be offering corporation owned ship for use by it’s employees, as well as offering a fantastic pay scale so you know you will be well compensated.

p. As we hold ourselves to a higher standard then the rest, we expect no less from our employees. All employees shall act in a professional and respectful manner that does not degrade, humiliate, embarrass nor harass ANY corporation employee or any of it’s clients. We assure our customers that they will be taken care of in the best, most courteous and professional manner possible, and any employees who acts in a manner to be detrimental to the corporation, then intimidate dismissal and repercussion will take place. Any indiscretions to the corporation will be taken to the Board and handled on a case-by-case basis. We give every person the right to defend themselves and their actions and all factors will be taken into consideration when making a judgement.

Our employees are our greatest asset, our greatest achievement. Having the best technology, the best contracts, the best gear is only part our our goal and vision. Our goal at People of Terra is to see its employees thrive and prosper in the amazing Universe. We wish to proved the funnest, most enjoyable experience for every single member involved. To that end, our employees and their contributions are critical to our survival, and People of Terra will strive to reward them with everything the Universe can offer.