Planet Express: Stanton Branch / PESB

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Transport

Our crew is replaceable, your package isn’t! Now Offering contract services for meat shields!

Meet Our Board:

CEO: OneWheelCharly
Director of Salvage: StigIAm
Director of Mining: IrishGiant2000
Director of PMC: Tmags2911
Director of HR: AxialNebula


Planet Express, Inc. is an intergalactic delivery company originally founded by Professor Farnsworth to fund his research. Founded in 2961, its original headquarters is located in New New York, and its crew transported and smuggled goods until they were able to expand their operation into the Stanton system. During this expansion, new leadership was appointed and the original Planet Express: Stanton Branch board of directors was named. OneWheelCharly was appointed as acting CEO, TheStigIAm was appointed Director of Salvage Operations, IrishGiant2000 Was appointed Director Of Mining Operations, TMags2911 was appointed Director of Private Military Contractor Operations AxialNebula was appointed Director of Labor Resources. When the organization was originally founded, our current CEO began to build up our company’s infrastructure by gathering capital from deliveries in his Origin 100i until a Drake Vulture was added to the fleet. This Drake Vulture Has become intimately familiar with all employees of the salvage department as it is used to train new employees. Once enough salvage contracts were completed, our CEO also added a MISC Freelancer Max to the fleet expanding our Logistics & Trade departments, just as the original founder Farnsworth intended. After the Trade and logistics department had been established; new employees began coming on board the organization. This includes most of our current sitting board of directors, IrishGiant2000, AxialNebula, StigIAm, and Tmags2911. As each of the directors came on board the organization, we began to be able to offer our clients more services.


Logistics & Trade – OneWheelCharly
Includes Freight ship rentals and R&D research
Will pick up, transport, and sell large/excess cargo
Salvage – TheStigIAm
Solo Salvage Rentals
Solo Salvage
Multi-Crew Support
Vulture Swarms
Cargo Support
Recruiting for Vulture Crews
Recruiting for Redeemer Crews
Recruiting for Caterpillar Support & Cargo Handling
Mining – IrishGiant2000
Solo Mining Research
Mole Rental Services
Multi-crew Mining Support
Research Charts For Mining
Refining Support/Selling Refined Material
Private Military Contractor Operations – TMags2911
Bounty Hunting Contract Assistance
Millitary Escort Services
Strategic Transfer of Equipment to Alternate Location
Militia Services
Fighter & Gunship Escort Services
Fast Drop Services
Medical Rescue Services


We are constantly recruiting, we are happy to take into consideration any preference of department, however, the final decision comes down to the head of the department you will be placed in. For example, if you apply and the head of the Salvage department accepts you, you will be placed in salvage. Your selected preference comes into play when you’re accepted by multiple departments, if your preference is one of them you will be placed there, otherwise, you will get to choose between the departments that accepted you.

Entry-level Roles:

Trade & Logistics
Turret gunner
Caterpillar Deck-Hand
Vulture Deck-Hand
Redeemer Deck-Hand
Crate Handler
Ground Mining Lazer Operator
Mole Support Lazer Operator
Private Military Contractor
Grunt for Hire
On Board Hired-Gun
Medic Trainee

All recruits are immediately eligible for promotion after completion of their first operation, and receiving payment
For a recruit’s first promotion they may select whatever department they would like to be placed in, the role will be determined by the department Director.

LV2 Roles Within The Organization:

All LV2 Roles Have Access to the organization’s rental fleet! (not including cargo ships, dropships, and capital ships) Therefore Department directors will decide when to make appointments to LV2, but the employee may choose their own role, with the approval of the respective department director. Department Directors also decide the price of rentals.

Trade & Logistics
Capital Ship Pilot
Capital Ship Gunner
Capital Ship Co-pilot
Capital Ship Engineer
Caterpillar Pilot
Vulture Pilot
Reclaimer Operator
Prospector Operator/Pilot
Mole Pilot
Drop Ship Pilot
Private Military Contracting
Drop Ship Pilot
Pisces 8 Rescue Pilot
Fighter Pilot
Escort Pilot

LV3 Roles within The Organization:

All LV3 Roles are appointed by the board of directors, they gain access to drop ships and cargo ships in the rental fleet. -access may be revoked by any of the board of directors at any time for any reason. All LV3 roles answer directly to the Director of their departments or another member of the board of directors.

Capital Ship Captain
Caterpillar Captain
Reclaimer Captain
Caterpillar Captain
Dropship Captain
Private Military Contractor
Gunship Captain
Dropship Captain


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Advancing research one delivery at a time.
Progressus Libera Nobis

By accepting any offer of employment from Planet Express: Stanton Branch you are agreeing to each of the following articles:

Article I: Directorship and the Partnership Agreement

Section 1: Partnership Agreement

As part of your placement into a directorship (LV4, LV5, CEO) position, you agree to follow this partnership agreement. To facilitate regular business operations a “Communal Planet Express Fleet” will be formed. (CPEV) This fleet will be made up of the contribution of all of the directors’ fleets, and must be accessible to Employee Pilots (LV2), Captains (LV3), Directors (LV4), Board Members (LV5), and the CEO. The use of the CPEF and its limitations are laid out in Article II. All partners agree to follow pay scales laid out in

Article II:

Article III:

Article IV:

Article V:

Article VI:

Article VII:

Article IIX:

Article IX:

Article X: