Pink Giant Octopus – Social hub for racers / PGO

  • Club
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Social
  • Exploration

Pink Giant Octopus – Social hub for racers



Please check out the Manifesto and Charter for more information about Pink Giant Octopus

One lone man, wanted a place to race with other. Due to him finding it boring to race by himself. However, he could not find one, so he created Pink Giant Octopus, so that he could fill that hole in his heart.


Pink Giant Octopus is a social hub for racers in Star Citizen. To create connections across organizations. To learn from each other. To race. To have fun!

Once we have grow in size, Pink Giant Octopus would like to start doing events and tournaments.

As for long term plans, Pink Giant Octopus would like to start a bar for racers to hangout.

How do you join our social hub?

You do not need to join organization Pink Giant Octopus, we just want to race and have fun. So just join us on Discord and hang out.
If you are new to racing or want tips and tricks, feel free to ask. We can answer a lot of questions regarding racing.


  • No bullying, or any form of prejudice (including, but not limited to racism, sexism or class).
  • Our Discord is a open to all whom wish to do some racing, so feel free to invite whom you like

Stance on Membership
  • You may set Pink Giant Octopus to affiliation or main.
  • You may redact or hide Pink Giant Octopus.
  • You may redact or hide other Organization.
  • You may join other Organizations both as main or affiliation.
    Like stated in the Manifesto, we are an social group. We don’t want to nor need to impede our members relationships with other organizations.