PhantomProtocol / PH4NTOM

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Transport

PhantomProtocol PMC is group dedicated to Security and Logistics. We want to make sure you stay safe in your travels, no matter your standing with the judicial system. We provide onboard services or escorts to ensure you don’t fall prey to loss.


PhantomProtocol started as an agreement between a group of individuals seeking safe passage in hostile environments. SECURITY, OUTLAW, CIVILIAN WORKING TOWARDS A GREATER CAUSE THAN THEMSELVES. Seeking only to establish order and peace amongst interactions with others in these hostile environments, have allowed these individuals and others to grow and pay it forward. As of recently, these individuals decided to provide service to others to maintain this Code and to establish its roots in the system of Stanton. Based out of Grim Hex in orbit of Yela, these individuals for hire protect security personnel, outlaw, and civilian alike.


We are here for everyone to profit. With the possibility for hostility, we want to ensure everyone profits from any type of activity. We are here for YOU, regardless of standing. We seek for everyone to benefit. We all lift together, or we all drift together. We view every individual as non-expendable. WE WILL HAVE YOUR BACK, so long as YOU HAVE OURS. We do not take kindly to betrayal. Pay it forward and do unto others as they would do unto you.

