Phoenix-Staffel / PHXSQD

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Freelancing
  • Security

The weak shall perish, Fire will reign!

Visit us on our Website:
Read our Clan presentation: RSI Org Forum


It was the 21st century, Phönix-Staffel`s darkest hour.
The Renovatio had stood there for almost twohundred days, we had been fighting for so long no one could remember the reason why it all started in the first place.
All we knew is that there were 2 Sides the Pirates and the Anti-Pirates. For decades millions died for the same piece of rock. Again and again,
Finally one side managed to gain the upperhand. The inactivity.

In desperation Phönix-Staffel founded 5 new Squads. Their hope was for them to begin again far from the war and strife that had befallen Freelancer, to start free from the prejudices that had divided us for so long.
Each Squad was christened after its primary game.

Minecraft, Battlefield, Black Prophecy, Battlestar Galactica Online, Star Trek Online.

Against all odds Star Trek Online broke through the inactivity blockade and headed for the next clan game.

One by one all the remaining games where overrun until all that remained was our Teamspeak.
It was here Phönix-Staffel forces prepared for one gallant last chance for Freelancer.
But then something happend that no one could have ever imagined. It arrived.

It was our first contact with Star Citizen and for a moment we forgot all our differences.
We just stood there unfolded by it’s size and beauty.
It was ironic that in those moments we were finally united as people.
But this revelation could only be saved in those few bitter seconds for this game had not been released yet.

That was 17 months ago, when we came here to rebuild our lives. We’ve gone a long way since then.
We have grown, we have prospered, we have flourished, but we will never forget.

(If you don’t understand why it’s cool: Freelancer Original Intro )


The Phoenix-Staffel was formed at some time in 2009 to combat the increasing piracy in the Sirius Sector. Today it consists of individuals who, for various reasons, have decided to live in the wild unregulated systems outside of UEE control. Together these individuals strive for power, influence and wealth.

For those who want to be more than one pilot out of many we offer a group of like-minded people who are not only active and helpful but also have experience dog fighting in a Chris Roberts game. We believe that everyone can have a bigger impact when fighting in a small squadron where you know your wing men, rather than a huge guild with several hundred people.
The commitment of our members is terrific! Most of us started going crazy for this game since day one and have since then followed the website content on a daily basis.

For 5 years we have been building our legacy and we plan on doing so in Star Citizen.
Since we prefer Quality over Quantity we have certain requirements and expectations for our applicants.

TeamSpeak, is a free of charge program and essential for good communication, which is significant for great team play.

Beta access, is required to join us, although we prefer Alpha access or Arena Commander access so we can start flying together asap!

Activity, to work together as a team you have to be part of the team. Real life is important and comes first but everyone should have the possibility to check on our website every 3 days to know what’s going on. If you are not going to log on for a while just let us know through our website.

Visit us on our Website:
Read our Clan presentation: RSI Org Forum


Affiliates and Members have different rights and duty’s in our Squadron.

Affiliates are Phoenix-Staffel with a security level of 6.
If you want to advance in the Ranks of Phoenix-Staffel you have to set Phoenix-Staffel as your main organization thus becoming a Member.

Members are expected to always choose Phoenix-Staffel over their Affiliates and always act in the sense of Phoenix-Staffel. Members are of course allowed to be Affiliates with other Squadrons who are not our enemy’s, who do not act as our competitors and do not hinder or prevent us from achieving our objectives.