Pingouin Land / PINGOUIN

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Nous étions des fugitifs, échappés de lab expérimentaux; ils avaient modifié notre adn dans un but mystérieux… mais cela nous avait rendu intelligents.
Grace aux tech de polymorphisme nous nous fondons dans la foule déguisés en humain.
Notre but : Pingouin Land, une terre pour les pingouins.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.