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Polaris Corp / POLCO

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Piracy

This org was started by a idea that the polaris will be a hard hitting versitile ship, that means we need polaris owners and will mainley be flying polarisfleets with escort.

We take all type of jobs. If you can afford the best escort in the game, we will fly for you. We will kill for you.




It started as an idea. If the largest torpedos in the world could be harnessed in mass. They could destroy everything and anything. Nothing would be safe. Not a fighter, not the largest capital ships. A fire and forget weapon platform that could decimate entire fleets when launched.

The Retaliator. Nimble, small, fast, and sleek. Carried 6 torpedos. But it is fragile, and not intimidating. No. We needed more.

The Eclipse perhaps? Small. agile, lethal, stealthy, but lacking if it’s stealth was compromised. No. We needed more.

We needed intimidation, speed, power, and the aresenal we desired on one capable platform. Polaris. A ship with balance. Offensive, and defensive capabilities in sync.
But a tool. A deadly tool. The real weapon is the crew that operate the Polaris. The crew that hungers for it’s 26 billion parts to operate in perfect harmony, all for the purpose to drive our enemies into the void and destroy those too slow to run from our presence.

We didn’t choose these ships. Nor did our egos, or vulnerabilities men, and women succumb to. No it was purpose that brought us to this ship. Purpose to render any fleet under our boot in a hell storm of torpedos.

We will attack, defend, and destroy any and all threats. Big and small. We will fly for the money, die for the cash, and when bored… kill for the thrill. We are Polaris Corp.
