Praetorian Guard / PRAETORIAN

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Piracy
  • Infiltration

With teamwork, aggression and dedication, PG leads the way. The tip of the Spear.


Founded in 2003, Praetorian Guard called the Game Planetside Home all the way through it’s end. PG then moved into Planetside 2 becoming one of the premium outfits. With a rich history , alongside respect amoungst both the game developers and other groups within the game PG destroyed in Planetside 2 . In persuit of expanding to a wide array of games PG became a gaming community. We are now looking to make Star Citizen our new home.

With years of Game leadership shared between us as well as a well oiled machine of Preatorians we will be a force within Star Citzen. This is not related to skill or time played, but dedication and teamwork of our members.

We are not afraid to be at the front on our objectives proving time and time again we can perform both outnumbered outgunned but never outplayed.

We have waited many years for this game as real gamers, ……….we are ready. *********************************************************************************************


In Star Citizen we are a PMC Organization (Private Military Corporation). We accept contracts that require our services that are paid for with in game currency. We may even perform contracts other more focused Merchants or PMCs may not attempt. We will conduct raids and assault the enemies of those who hire us if so needed. We will do all this while at the same time defending the Imperium of Mankind from the Xenos, Heretics and Mutants that threaten it.

*If you are interested in joining for Star Citizen, Apply here and then go to the PG Discord and apply in the New Member Application text Channel (Please state that you are interested in joining for Star Citizen as a game and fill out the questions. A officer will review your app when posted)

Discord LINK:
“Official Praetorian Guard Gaming Voice Communications Hub(Praetorian Guard Gaming Discord) “


Members shall select a division of the larger Organization to operate under. This does not pigeon hole you into that branch but will allow leadership to prioritize your role for operations. Navy, Marines, Logistics & Engineers.

We are PMCs. We will consider all feasible contracts. Whether it’s Trade, Mediation, Escort, Transport, and even Privateer & Raid services.

Disciplined and dedicated members are always wanted. However we also understand real life comes first. With notice, prolonged absence will not result in your removal from the organization. We have active duty personnel and parents and understand people need to prioritize life before games. There are no “Participation Minimums”.

We are not a politically correct organization. We are an adult organization. Those under 18 are permitted, but special snowflakes shall be shown the door.

We have a Community Code of Conduct that must be read and signed on your application acceptance. Be aware of this and follow up asap after application acceptance. You may only be joining for Star Citizen, but you’ll be interacting with a greater community.

When you are joining Praetorian Guard please specify what division you wish to be apart of to fit your play style and help our empire.
For the Imperium of Man, For Praetorian Guard, Semper Avanti!