Pan-Galactic Press / PRESS

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Welcome to the Pan-Galactic Press your independent source of Star Citizen news in and out of the Verse. Tune into our signal to get the news you need! Our site and articles can be found here.


The Pan-Galactic Press has formed, stay tuned for the news you need!


The Pan-Galactic Press is setting out to become the premier source of Star Citizen news in and out of the Verse. While our members and contributors may belong to numerous organizations the PGP itself is an independent organization with no direct ties or outside backers. We will strive to bring you factual and unbiased news.

With this in mind we are pursuing an open forum, anyone may submit an article or concept to the PGP editors for publication. Should your article or idea be accepted you will be fully accredited. Articles should adhere to the appropriate rules outlined in our charter section, otherwise they will most likely be rejected outright. Re-submission is allowed, but if an author continual spams the editorial staff with poorly conceived articles they will be blacklisted.

In Verse you will eventually be able to find PGP headquartered in the city of Prime on Terra III in the Terra system, jewel of the UEE. If you’re really lucky you may run across one of our mobile newsrooms aboard an 890 Jump or one of our Heralds, we have a whole fleet of them insuring that our signal get’s to you.

Those interested in becoming editors or official PGP staff-reporters should contact the editorial staff at to discuss joining our organization.


The Pan-Galactic Press’s reporters come from a myriad of backgrounds and worlds, but we can’t be everywhere and sometimes a story can come from the least expected corners of the galaxy. Therefore PGP does accept article submissions from non-staff reporters, such articles (or outlines for articles) can be sent to The author of a published article will be fully accredited in whatever manner they wish. Any aspiring reporter (and our staff-reporters for that matter) should be advised that any submitted article must obey the following rules if they are to be published under our banner:

General Article Rules
  • All sources and citations must be included with the submitted article. Should an article fail to cite it’s sources or they cannot be verified it will be rejected.
  • Anonymous sources are allowed, but a source’s identity must be shared with the editors for verification. Editors are obligated to maintain the source’s anonymity.
  • To avoid instances of bias we will reject any article that is self promotion for an individual, organization, or an attempt to manipulate a larger conversation for personal gain. Reporter’s cannot report on themselves.
  • If an article’s subject includes one of the editors or one of their attachments they may not participate in it’s editing. Should this prevent all available editors from working on an article we will unfortunately have to decline publishing it and forward the reporter to another news organization.

In Verse Articles
  • Articles for in-game events or responses to lore are allowed and will be clearly denoted as such.
  • Articles we publish may not write their own fiction into the Verse, the only exception to this rule is a simple background for the reporting character.

Opinion Articles
  • Opinion pieces are allowed but they will be clearly denoted as such and are still held to the above rules.
  • Editors reserve the right to reject an opinion piece for tone or content, reporters should always keep their articles in good taste.