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Welcome to project Warbond.

Project Warbond is a paramilitary scientific independant initiative formed with one goal in mind. To ensure the safety and security of humanity in a hrash and violent galaxy. The main objective of project Warbond is to explore and advance mankind’s technology.


Project WARBOND is an innovative and independent scientific initiative. The project was officially founded in 2950. Following the election of Leylani Addison as Imperator to the UEE, WARBOND is one of the many private initiative that was certified with a focus on discovering or adapting new technology to apply to the military might of the UEE and any private organisation affiliated with the empire.



What is WARBOND ?

WARBOND is a paramilitary reinforced scienctific initiative founded by Dr. Hill. It’s goal was to create an independent organisation who would not be burdened by the UEE’s administrative measures to accelerate the developpement and discovery of new technology useful to the empire, both military and industrial in nature. WARBOND would dispose of a paramilitary security details, would operate independantly while assisting the empire in several endeavors.

How does WARBOND operates ?

WARBOND is slpit into three main Branch in it’s operations. The director has complete authority over all three branches but most operations are often directly managed by senior agent or to a lesser extent, officers.

Science Branch

All personnel related to exploration operations, discovery, experiments and developpement of new technology. Member of the scientific staff are called upon to fufill the main objective of the programme which is to advance the cause of science in the protection of Mankind.

Security Branch

Combat-related staffs falls in the security Branch. As the name implies, this branch is in charge of the security and well-being of the project’s assets and personnel. Security personnel provide escort and protection but are also called upon to test millitary field technology developped by WARBOND. Security personnel act as the private military force of project WARBOND is often called upon to assist the UEE when required. To an extent, the security branch extend to securing assets or information vital to the project and therefore includes special operatives for undercover task.

Operational Branch

The operational Branch includes workforces in several other fields that support WARBOND financially. Despite being a focused organisation, WARBOND has developped several widened branches to aid in supporting it’s costly research and developped several privately owned branches that includes but are not limited to:
-Mining operatives that exploit located mining field to financially support the expensive cost of research and developpement.
-Salvage trained operative to handle discovered wreckage. They sift through what is sent to the R&D and what can be recycled into usuably components.
-Logistic operatives to maintain the supply chain of goods, foods and base materials as well as the deployment of mass-produced new technology.

Freelance agents

While some of the corps of WARBOND are bound to it’s main operations, a good part of the human ressources of WARBOND works independantly as freelance agents. The reasons for that is that Warbond often operates in under-developped fringe worlds and sometime, unknown space. Therefor, it has found easier to employ freelance agents to facilitate the availlability of personnel. Freelance agent, while associated with the organization, can operate independantly for long periods of time and can make themselves availlable for Project operations. Freelance agents are not as close to the Project as the main corp and need clearance and certification when interacting with certain sensitive information or data.


The rules of WARBOND

-Respect other. This organization does not tolerate any lack of respect of any kind based on race, gender or origin. We are all humans and we will respect each other as such.
-Star citizen is a game and immersion experience. It is meant to be fun. Do not bring your real world drama or let your political drama pollute other player’s experience. If you can’t be civilised about your personal world-view, you will be granted a chance and then you will likely be removed from the org. If you need to vent out frustration on fellow players, WARBOND is not for you and you should join a combat oriented guild instead. If you are in a bad pass, talk to your friend privately of these matters. They will likely be better suited to help you.

Roleplay and Commitment

As of right now the organization is a Casual experience until the beginning Day 1, afterward the organization will likely become more serious. This also means the organization might include RP immersion following the actual release of the PU. In the meantime, practice RP as you wish.

Freelance agents

Freelance agents offer casualness and access to some advantage to many players joining WARBOND. If you do not to commit intensely to WARBOND, you can join as a Freelance. As a Freelance, you can join WARBOND’S operation as you are availleable and operate independantly, as you wish. You can expect to be kept out of some inner-loops as WARBOND’S corps cannot trust a freelance with secrets susceptible to harm it’s operation. We also expect to trust Freelance when handling synergy between operations. For example, if you are given the coordinates of a particularly valuable mining lode and are provided an escort via WARBOND to exploit it, you will be of course expected to share in the profit (That’s a given). Freelance agent enjoy a great degree of freedom and advantage but failure to prove yourself worthy of trust placed in you in good faith will results in your exclusion of futur WARBOND activity as well as possible retaliation should the situation demands it… you’ve been warned.


WARBOND is a law-abiding private organisation. Criminals have no place within our organisation and registered offender (with crime stat) will not recieve support from the organisation until their name are cleared. WARBOND does not harbor fugitives. In this regards, Piracy, wanton murder and thievery will not be tolerated.

Despite this, WARBOND is sometime… obligated to delve into clandestine operations. These includes the recovery of certain assets, the liberation of particular informations or the acquisition of exotic goods needed for research purposes that needs to be hauled under the radar. Operative who undertake these “jobs” understand the risk and are compensated for the extra moral weight of their task. As our prime directive is to support the UEE, an operative who is compromised accept that WARBOND discharge themselves of any responsability towards him as long as the UEE consider them enemy of the states. But as such… Freelance agents can intervene in these matters on a volunteer basis, following the initial guidelines of these kind of acts.