Project Civilization / PROGRESS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Engineering

Project Civilization’s main goal is to unite all of known civilization into a peaceful, self-sustaining union.
A union that rises above capitalism and central government, moving on to the next level.
A civilization composed of humans and aliens alike with equal rights to both.


A long long time ago…

Project Civilization has been founded very recently in an effort to increase awareness of and implement a “resource based economy” (see our manifesto for more info) in all of civilized space. Since PC is relatively new, we have not much history to speak of, besides the events which caused it to be founded. So if you’re interested, here is how it all started.

A little background information:
1995: ‘The Venus Project’ was founded by Jacque Fresco. This project had a goal to introduce a resource based economy (RBE) for a global civilization.
The plan failed because it wasn’t worked out well. We aim to do better.

A new hope

Recent events in the universe, mostly the tension between Terra and Earth, the Vanduul raids and the economical crisis sparked a fire in the populace. This fire is even today being directed towards a violent revolution.
We don’t like violence, so building an organization based on a peaceful cooperation seemed like a good idea. The idea could actually work if enough people could be convinced of the advantages of this system.

Capitalism strikes back

Due to recent raids, many people lost their money, yet nobody is there to help them. This strengthens the resolve of people believing in our cause. Our idea of non-monetization and individual freedoms now had a strong base of people to work with, but it would still take some time before there was proper funding to start up an actual organization.

Return of the RBE

The raids keep becoming worse and the UEE is still not capable of doing anything about it. Searching through historical files, the Venus Project popped into the modern conciousness. It would show a different way of doing things.
Now Project Civilization has become a reality for the first time. And with it the Resource Based Economy is reborn to restore order to the UEE by building up its economy, industry and the quality of life within it.


The problem: Money is obsolete

Death and intolerance

Money-based economy has existed for centuries. All economical systems used by humans everywhere help propagate discrimination: elitism, nationalism and racism are based for a large part on economic differences. As long as money or trade is used, people will try to keep an economical competitive edge over others. This is a major cause for military intervention.

Bad living standards

Our monetary systems cannot provide high standards of living for everyone, nor can it protect the environment, and thus public health, because the major motive is profit. Strategies such as downsizing and toxic dumping increase profit margin. People lose work to machines more and more, so production rates rise while buying power falls.

Negligence through profit

Science and technology advance all the time, but our social designs are comparatively very static. We have the means to provide abundance to all now, but are held back by ‘conscious withdrawal of efficiency’. For example: the Department of Agriculture is presumed to conduct research in increasing crop yields per acre but is actually paying farmers to under-produce.


A monetary system was developed to control human behaviour around limited resources. Now money is used to regulate economy, not to the benefit of all, but for those who control the wealth of nations.

Our solution: Resource Based Economy

The end of slavery

From school to retirement, all of your life revolving around a career. All to get enough money to survive in this world. Does that sound like freedom to you? In a resource based economy everyone has access to goods and services without the use of money.

Use your resources

The Sol system alone already has everything we need so, especially now, rationing it all with money is counter-productive to our survival. Our society has access to technology that enables food, clothes, housing, healthcare and education for all. We also have a near-limitless supply of renewable, non-contaminating energy like solar, wind, tidal, geothermal and nuclear fission/fusion. Everyone can enjoy a very high standard of living that cannot be achieved with money in place.

Money is irrelevant

Take a moment to consider this: if all money were to disappear at once, so long as our resources remain intact we could build anything we want to fulfil any needs we might have. It’s not money we need but free access to necessities of life.

Live up to your potential!

With education and resources available to all there is no limit to human potential. It may be difficult to imagine but even the wealthiest of today would be off far better in an RBE society. The middle class now lives better than the mightiest of old, but now we can make that leap really quickly, if we so choose. The measure of success for people would become the fulfilment of individual pursuits rather than gaining money, property and power.

Make your choice

Human behaviour is a by-product of our culture, not a law of nature. No one is born with greed, prejudice, bigotry, patriotism and hatred; they are all learned through our society.

Today, the technology needed for a galactic resource based economy exists, if we liberate ourselves from monetary economies then we can evolve from our current state of war, poverty, hunger, deprivation, crime, ignorance, stress, fear and inequity.


Useless laws and regulations

Let’s clean it up a bit

Human behaviour is currently controlled by enacting laws or signing treaties. Instead we should build safeguards, effectively changing the physical conditions responsible for aberrant behaviour. If we consider all goods as common heritage, useless laws will vanish.

For example: in cities where people have free access to resources, there would be no theft. So instead of creating laws, flaws are designed out. Corruption and human suffering will be combated by safe, clean, mass transportation. No need to monitor drivers’ speed, behaviour at stop signs, or proper papers.

If you’re sceptical, consider air and water. In our society, though both are vital to our survival, there are no laws regulating how many breaths are taken per hour because we have such abundance at this time. No one monitors a gushing spring to see how much water is taken from it, although fresh water is absolutely necessary for the support of life. If it is abundant, no one has to monitor it.

No totalitarianism

I must emphasize that this approach to interstellar governance has nothing in common with the present aims of an elite few to form a government with themselves at the helm, and with the vast majority subservient to them. This newer vision of an interstellar culture empowers every person on the planet to be all they can be, without living in abject subjugation to a corporate governing body.

Understand your environment

A society with human concern “designs out” laws and proclamations by making all things available to all people, regardless of race, colour, or creed. When governments make laws, we are led to believe that these laws are made to enhance people’s lives. In truth, laws are by-products of insufficiency.

The question is, “can we grow beyond thinking that ‘someone’ has to make decisions for us?”

A better understanding of natural law involves humanity’s relationship to the environment, which supports all life. All of nature is subservient to natural law. Natural law cannot be violated without serious consequences to individuals or societies. Natural laws dominate all living systems. For example, without water, sun, or nutrients, plants and animals die.

An environment of scarcity, hunger, and poverty is a threat to everyone.

Some rules to be on the safe side


Don’t do what you wouldn’t want done to yourself:
1. Don’t kill anyone, not even murderers. There is technology to help these people now and we should use that.
2. Don’t steal. We may not yet live in an RBE system, but we should respect each-others needs and not steal anyone’s property.
This is not an aggressive organization, but we will defend ourselves if necessary. The problem with new ideologies is that they’re usually opposed militarily, even if it seems to be better, in order to retain the status quo. We should prepare for that scenario but try to avert it.


Never stop learning new things, explore your potential and try to do the impossible! Learn from each other and from your own mistakes. You can do whatever you want, as long as you respect all life: don’t let people tell you how to live!