Promised Horizons / PROMHOR

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Freelancing


Built on the foundations of fun and teamwork rather than control and subservience, Promised Horizons is just that. A Promise. We vowed to create an Organization where all members within its ranks are equal and where fun is the top priority. And as we gather together to accomplish shared goals we will look towards the Horizon and the Promise of adventure that awaits.


The Real Life Goal:

The main goal of Promised Horizons is to put together a group of likeminded individuals who want to have fun and enjoy themselves in the verse while also working as a team to accomplish shared goals.

Hierarchy, Necessary for Operations

The main reason why Promised Horizons has a hierarchy is solely due to the fact that we need such a structure in order to take part in Operations. We use the hierarchy to incorporate structure and organization into the planning of and completing of Operations, whether they are Org Sanctioned or Freelance. Without such a system, large scale operations would be impossible to complete accurately and efficiently.

Hierarchy, Everyone is equal

While we do need a Hierarchy in order to properly complete Operations and provide structure to them, it must be understood that having a title does not mean you are above or are better than anyone else; Especially when it comes to activities that are not Org Sanctioned. The titles that are in place are there for individuals who wish to take on extra responsibility when it comes to planning and completing Org Sanctioned Operations. At the same time everyone has a role to play, and every one of these roles must be respected come game time. For example, during an active Operation Managers are expected to take control and lead Officers to complete a given task. The Officers that they lead have to be able to take direction and work as a team. If everything is working correctly, a Manager will bring people together in a fun and creative way and the Officers will follow this direction all the while not feeling like they are being ordered around. The way a Manager approaches their position is just as important as an Officer approaches theirs. Everyone must be given respect.

Note: A comprehensive list of all Org rules/guidelines can be found in our Discord.


Open Door Policy

Here at Promised Horizons we have a true Open Door Policy in effect at all times and we take great pride in that fact. The term “Open Door Policy”, comes from the business world and it means that every Supervisors door is open to every employee around the clock. The purpose of such a policy is to encourage open communication, feedback, and discussion about any matter of importance and to encourage employees to offer suggestions and ideas, or address concerns within the company no matter how big or small. Now it is vital for everyone to realize that Promised Horizons is not a business or some type of Corporation and is instead a group of gamers. NO ONE is an employee of anyone else. We are all friends here. Ones title only denotes the responsibility an individual has taken on inside the Org. But even though Promised Horizons is not a business and will never be treated as such, an Open Door policy is still applicable. For us, it means that any member of the Org can come to a Board Member at any time with any concerns they may have. It cannot be stressed enough, that you should never be scared to come forward and speak your mind, whatever your concern may be. Even if a concern is about a Board Member, nothing is off limits.

Have Fun

Having fun is the number one requirement for everyone in Promised Horizons and will be the constant driving force that reminds us of what really matters. It is something we put above everything else. If you’re not having fun, something is wrong.

Professionalism is Key

Promised Horizons makes great effort to maintain professionalism in everything we do. Being recognized for our professionalism will only serve to further Org to Org business and allow for more opportunities to be had by all members. When taking part in Operations, a professional attitude is required as well as when interacting with individuals outside the Org.

Lawful Alignment

Promised Horizons is a Lawfully Aligned Organization. Under NO circumstances are players permitted to knowingly accept unlawful missions or commit unlawful actions. Obviously there is some gray area when it comes to certain crimes and each circumstance will be taken on a case by case basis.