Propheteer Targeting / PROPHETEER

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Exploration

Dedicated to profiting as a privateer of sorts, one can see where the word propheteer comes from.
We profit as private detectives and specialize in hacking data.
Hence the name Propheteer Detection

“We go where the clues point us.”


Condensed History
2952.10.16 @ 10:30 hrs. EST Propheteer starts to reorganize from an exploration corp. into a private investigations agency.

2954.02.26: Decide to contract with Protlife Insurance to conduct regular investigations.
2953.12.11 @ 12:07 hrs. EST, already having data hacking in our bag of tools we decided to double down on it. We are as now as much of a data running outfit as we are investigators, but data heist is our specialty.

Because of these changes, our history page needs a mass edit so much of what you read needs to be corrected.

In 2942.10.28 the opportunity to become a small, independent spacefarer opened. A little over a year later, on 44.01.21, the tiny operation would became a UEE registered jump corporation named Propheteer Ventures. Since then, Propheteer has been reimagined and on 52.10.16 it became a private detective agency named Propheteer Detection. Today, what little there is of Propheteer operates out of an asteroid hangar in Nyx and will continue to do so until the UEE red tape regarding the fair chance act in Cano Sys. is cleared.

  • Early years (pre release)

2942.10.29 The first payment towards what would eventually become a small fleet is made.
2944.02. Corporation is registered as Propheteer Ventures on Spectrum.

2952 — Our Anvil Carrack Class explorer is officially named Morpheus Exoro.

2950 — Propheteer Xenoventures changes its name to Propheteer Research Associates. The company’s direction is basically the same, but we don’t focus on xeno as much. We explore for the purpose of research, but aimless research is expensive. To finance our research we will focus specifically on land based resource extraction. Resources that we hope to sell to scientific organizations. Resources such as plants, animals and minerals. What ever we can find planetside that scientists would need for their experiments.

We hope to do this in a Freelancer MAX with an RSI Lynx land explorer being hauled in the cargo bay.

Old data below ———————————————————————————————————————

Officially Formed on 2943.05.27, under a different working name as well as a completely different business plan that initially considered the retail business as a store front owner, this venture added missile manufacturer to the plans only a short while later. It was realized that these two businesses needed to be linked by a cargo hauling agency so another entity was written on paper. As the vision developed over the next month & a half, the fleet increased in size. A 350r was added on July.07. At this point in time however, plans were dramatically changing. We came to the realization that we’d rather explore the universe than blow it to smithereens.

On 2943.07.13 @ 2134 hrs. EST this corporation was renamed Propheteer Ventures.

Although officially formed mid year of 2943, the origins of Propheeter Ventures actually date back to 2942.10.28 when our founder decided to jump into the industrial and political aspects of the United Empire of Earth. Although lacking plans, but not ambition and drive, an MISC Freelancer was purchased the very next day.

2944.03.28: Propheteer Ventures leases a hangar in the newly incorporated township of Russell on Terra III. The scenic remoteness combined with the amenities and cheap rent made it a deal too hard to pass up for a start up company. Click the link to see the Russell Township Project.

On 2944.11.30 Propheeteer Ventures became a step closer to making their dream of space exploration a reality by purchasing an Anvil Carrack. This vessel was named Morpheus Exoro.

Propheteer Ventures was the parent company of what was expected to be a family of various “ventures” — and I use quotes because depending on the light, the black market can be viewed as grey, so in addition to “trading” we’ll also deal in exploiting — mining — the fruits of the empire.

On 2947.06.08, Propheteer Ventures changes its name to Propheteer Xenoventures

The name change was conducted upon the realization of not what we want to do – explore – which has always been our focus, but rather on the realization of our strategy on how to go about exploring since we are shifting our focus from space exploration to celestial object exploration and mapping. Through this new focus we expect to procure bizarre creatures, strange plants and if we’re lucky, interesting artifacts.

On 2947.7.3, Propheteer Xenoventures coins the term xenoquities. This term is used for xeno artifacts much like the term antiquities, but also includes modern, mysterious objects of unknown origin.

The Future

So whether conducting “business” on our home world HQ located in the most questionable spot in the Tyrol system, or in Ellis where Propheteer Ventures will be on the racing circuits as a team owner — we’re not going to let that 350r of ours rest after hauling contraband — we’ll be making our mark on the UEE in various ways. The main one of which is exploring celestial objects in our Carrack exploration vessel.

This is where we stand as of now. There isn’t any more history since we don’t have one, but we have a lot of drive and determination, so check back as we write our history over the pages of time. Propheteer Xenoventures is coming to this part of the known galaxy with a plan to cut a big slice of the universe pie and compete for wealth. Plans are being set to sail in the Morpheus Exoro Carrack exploration vessel, but we don’t want this to be a lone wolf operation. A crew of like minded people to man the Morpheus Exoro is sought.

You don’t have to be a dedicated crewman to venture with us. We encourage land lovers and those that just want to see what exploration and the Anvil Carrack are all about. Welcome to our voyages where you can make imperium (UE credits) with zero commitment to Propheteer Ventures. We plan to fly out of the blue and into the black each Sunday at 2000 hrs. zulu/Standard Earth Time (8:00 pm UTC).

* * *

I’m confident that a single person with foresight can shake the money tree with more force than a large corp. and their alliance sissies can do if they’re unorganized; and judging from many of the forum remarks, this prophet sees a lot of powder puff competition and sees great visions of a cake walk through the ‘verse. If you want to come along for the ride as a crewman aboard the Morpheus Exoro then stay tuned.


We are a private detective firm and we mission throughout the galaxy. However, we are particular who we mission for because our status within the UEE is very important to us.

In between conducting investigation missions, we hack data. A lot of it. As well as run it too.

I suspect that I’ll personally be operating from both a Herald and a MSR.

We currently have a 300i and an Ursa rover.

Our hangar will be located in Cano and our headquarters will be located on planet Selene in the Vega Sys.


1) a person with all the answer because he has been personally chosen by god himself to relay messages.

2) A person that can see into the future

Privateer – a capitalist; and a popular space sim showcasing capitalism.

Put Prophet and Privateer together and you get:

Propheteer – a person with a knack for generating massive profits using the galactic, free enterprise system.

Propheteer Xenoventurists are:

Running missions as investigators is what pays the bills. Our passion however is in solving the mysteries of the galaxy. We are essentially 66% detectives and 33% archeologist/explorer.

Our research involves several items:
1) The Quasi ruins and the Vasli Stone found on Terra III.
2) The mystery of the Artemis colony ship.
3) Hedesian secrets and disappearance.
4) Tevarin culture and their origin including Rijora destruction and it’s looting.
5) Weapons cache in Kabal Sys.
6) Finding the lost colony.
7) Finding the system that is home to the Krell (The Xi-An mortal enemy).
8) Snooping around Chronos System to see what we uncover.
9) Parker Terrell’s disapearance in 2943. Was it a kidnapping or a ploy?
10) We’ll take some time to look for some jump points too.


We play the markets

  • Make massive profits using foresight; not force.
  • Brains over brawn.
  • Greed is good.
  • No brown M&Ms!!!
  • Pay to win.
  • No risk; no reward
  • Life is a gamble. Take your chance and roll the dice.
  • Only roll 7, 11 or doubles.
  • Make profit; not apologies.


The practice of competition in the free market is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility to freelance, without discrimination of any kind and in the BDSSE spirit, which requires mutual understanding of the need to dominate — be it financial or physical — and to do it in a manner that is highly aggressive; for our competitors are not our friends.

Through solidarity we will discover our strengths and build upon them together. It is our job to lead and to teach and we do this through example. Our example is the exploitation of our competition’s weaknesses and we do it without hesitation; therefore only the most competent of our adversaries are expected to learn from us.

Let the meek inherit the Earth for we have bigger plans. The galaxy is ours by divine right, we however must secure what is ours.

Because the practice of freelancing is a human right; forum trolls; drama queens; attention whores; and self-centered, tantrum throwing, adults do not share in this right for fact of being only 1/3 human. More respect and leeway is to be given to Banu, Xi’An, Krell and even the Vanduul than the subspecies that invade the UEE and disrupt all that is good.

  • Make massive profits using foresight; not force.
  • Pay 2 win (if that is what it takes).
  • Have no mercy.
  • Buy low; sell high.
  • Do unto others as they have done to you.
  • Never fight fair
  • Sucker punch the sucker.