Proactive Salvage / PROSAL

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

Listen, we make wrecks and clean them up.
It’s that simple.

We’re legitimate businesspeople.

You got a mess, we’ll fix it right up. You want it compressed into a tiny cube of salvage for processing, all the better. Your mess flies a starfighter? Not an issue.

Payment not negotiable.


The PROSAL charter and original crew intent was to work deep space wrecks as a UEE freelance contractor team following Navy fleet engagements and cleaning up the wreckage. Many charter members of PROSAL and a good number of recruits from all periods of the orginisation’s history are, therefore and quite naturally, retired veterans. And if the front needed a little specialist backup and mercenaries were a palatable solution, if a nearby settlement needed a hand the military couldn’t be bothered with, or some other adventure or enterprise came along then maybe the odd side job for the team was in order.

Plus, adventure keeps you sharp.

After years of following colonial battles, pirate raids, settler uprisings, hostile alien encounter, and the like, PROSAL has become a trusted name among freelance operators. While salvage is one of our core pillars, these days we make our own wrecks mostly.

If you’ve got some problem you need solving, we don’t much care what it is, if your money spends, we’ll take a good hard look at that problem… and then we’ll smash it into a cube.

Reasonable rates and reliable service guaranteed.


The universe is a dangerous place, full of dangerous people. Some of those dangerous people like to take what isn’t theirs.

We like taking it back.

Some of us are good people trying to do right. Some of us are bad people trying not to do wrong. Others are just looking for an excuse to tip over tough guys and hit them until the candy comes out.

Wouldn’t want anyone accusing us of making our fortunes sneaking up on miners sucking rock.

Also we eat the wreckage of the dead. So there’s that. Mind your manners.

Game on!


We aim to be a casual but active group, focused around having fun.

We’ll probably fly around and go OOOoooOOO at the things to see, and then we’ll take our guns and dakka dakka at some people and things, there may be more things. You get it. Mostly we just want to be positive and make fun out of this game even when it’s not working well, cause Alpha. And when it is we want to crowd into big ships, or squadrons, or crews or whatever and do THINGS. Stuff may also be involved to a varying degree.

I’ll probably make you remember which side is port and which side is starboard.

That’s mostly it I think.

We’ll add more here if that gets complicated somehow.