Provertum / PROVERTUM

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Engineering


Provertum (Pro-ver-tum), derived from the words: Proteus (a Greek sea god capable of assuming different forms), conversant (familiar with or knowledgeable about something), and finally factotum (an employee who does all kinds of work).


Learn from the past, live in the present but conquer the future…

come chat with us on discord

Our website… WIP…


Like Vikings we explore the depths of space, laying claim to the spoils to be had. Seeking a place to store our shares of the bounties, a place we will defend and rule. We seek a home, a place for all to feel safe, save they don’t give us reason to evict them. Upon finding our home, our strong desire for resources, strength and power will lead us to Industry and war. When war finds us, we will be ready. The only question that remains is what side will you choose: will you be friend or foe?


General Rules
  • Be kind to your fellow corp mates.
  • Do not start drama within the corp.
  • Before opening your mouth, think.
  • Do not engage in combat unless fired upon, or helping an ally in danger, (just because they are red doesn’t mean they are an enemy).
  • Do not start wars without prior authorization of Director or higher.
  • Two way voice communication (discord) is required, yes you need a mic.
  • Listen, respect, and obey your ranking officers, if you have a problem with a rank that can’t be solved directly, bring it to attention of the next rank higher.
  • Do not interrupt others, be respectful…

Rules of Engagement
  1. Do not fire upon anyone unless they are firing on you, a corp mate, or an ally. They can be red and still be friendly.
  2. There are exceptions to rule 1 but only with approval of Commander or higher.
  3. More to come

  • We promote from within, there will only be rare and unique exceptions to this. This is important for the health of the corp, so there will be no fast tracking straight to the top without the entire corp being involved with the decision.