Citizen Crawlers / PUBCRAWLER

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Trading

Had enough of getting shot at, or are you just plain tired of flying solo. If the thought of flying just one more mission is getting you down, then it’s time you called on the Citizen Crawlers. We are your support crew away from the ship. While the ships in for service, we’ll help service the mind.


In the year of our Lord 2944, a gathering of like minded souls met initially in the city of Melbourne, Australia, Earth, at a Japanese restaurant. The very next day prior to meeting with Senior Members of the UEE a plan was formed to consume alcohol at a furious pace . The citizens, made up of tough, unforgiving, hard bastards managed to get through 2 Pubs prior to crawling to the 3rd where upon they continued to drink until being poured out of the venue at some ungodly hour.

These men and women, formed a bond forged in alcohol, sweat and tears, that can never be broken. They are now known to all as, “The Citizen Crawlers”. Bartenders universally shake in their collective boots when just a few of these legendary men and women walk in to their establishments.

However, they are more than just extraordinarily exceptional drinkers, they are fiercely loyal, brave and steadfast in the face of battle. Touch one, touch all.


An annual meeting to discuss all the important issues for the coming year. For example, where do we start the Pub Crawl next year. Should we have dinner first, or after. These life changing questions must be considered with all the relevant points thrown into the mix.

It is also the view of the Citizen Crawlers that no matter where, or no matter why, if one of our own is in the proverbial without a paddle that we all, as one, will be there to pull them out,. No questions asked.


The rules are simple
  • Turn up
  • Shout back
  • Step up
  • Have a go
  • Don’t take a backward step
  • if you need a hand, just ask
  • Hang as much shit as you can on your mates