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  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

Pulsar is a collective of citizens who wish to make their own way in the universe, without the restrictions of the UEE. We dare to chart our own path among the stars. We aim to assist those who need us through contracts and services.
Fatum esse tentadum!


Founded in March 2954 as a small collection of individuals who dislike how far the UEE has overstepped its boundaries.


The United Earth Empire has become increasingly ineffective. The war on the Vanduul front has caused them to pull away almost entirely from the border systems leaving us vulnerable to attacks from terrorists, pirates and opportunistic attacks. The UEE sends the untrained Civilian Defense Force to go fight and die in their place. These CDF volunteers who are trying to defend their home are doing so at their own cost. Although if they are successful they will be paid by CDF, most of them never live to see that payout.

The UEE requires you to serve to become a citizen, without citizenship you are taxed higher, restricted from owning a multi-system corporation and treated more harshly by local authorities. You also are not allowed to vote on UEE issues and leaders if you aren’t a citizen.

We seek to make our own way in the verse, avoiding the UEE’s ineffective government and away from indentured servitude of mega corps like Hurston. We carve out our own slice of the verse for all those who join us, a safe haven. Those who share our desire to be free are welcome under our banner. Your choices are yours to make, ensure they are for the good of our people.

Fatum esse tentandum! Fate exists to be tempted


Code of Ethics
-Do not cause unnecessary harm to others, if you can finish a job without killing other players, that is preferred.
-Do your best to help and provide assistance to those who need it.
-We aim to stay as neutral as possible and not create any long term enemies
-Avoid causing harm to our reputation
-No out of game actions (harrasment, streamsniping, ddos, griefing or any cig tos violations)
-Keep it civil. Absolutely no racism, sexism, homophobia or cultural/religious intolerance. Hate has no place in our space.