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Who better to catch a Pirate then a EX-Pirate / EX-Privateer /EX-Corsair ? JOIN Dread Pirate Roberts, see & sail the 7K Galaxies ,DRINK RUM, escort ships { short & unlimited range },patrol & protect & provide security for colony’s, ,mining platforms, industrial instillations & extreme range outposts


Dread Pirate Roberts { Lead Pyrat } and his corsair fleet fought in the great war as privateers and received pardons for their past transgressions from the U.E.E. when the war ended . After fighting alongside the brave men of the U.E.E. they could not destroy that which they fought to protect and kill the men they had fought side by side with. So this group of ex-privateers and ex-military who had been thrown together in the deepest space ,that had fought together and died together were joined by Dread Pirate Roberts to become a feared united force. { Roberts kept his pirate name “Dred Pirate Roberts”, saying it was to remind him how far he has come as well as to strike fear in the hearts of those that would oppose him } ( but his men’s opinion is that he thinks it sounds cool and impresses the damsels.} *———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-*PRIVATEER : From Space Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia Galactica —— A privateer or “corsair” is a private person or ship authorized by The U.E.E by letters of marque to attack foreign vessels during wartime. Privateering was a way of mobilizing armed ships and sailors without having to spend treasury resources or commit naval officers. They were of great benefit to the U.E.E. in a war where the enemy was dependent on supply lines and trade between planets : they disrupted supply lines and commerce, raided outposts and munitions stockpiles this pressured the enemy to deploy warships to protect supply lines and merchant trade against commerce raiders. The cost was borne by investors hoping to profit from prize money earned from captured cargo and vessels. The proceeds would be distributed among the privateer’s investors, officers, and crew.




Aid anyone in distress and destroy piracy in any form . Up hold U.E.E. laws throughout the Galaxies. Respect and aid fellow clan members in any way possible. Do not make decisions that involve the clan with out authorization.