Quanta Development Corp. / QDC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Exploration

Development for the good of our community.
Regular people, looking for a core group of officers to expand from.
Reliable friends to share the ‘verse with.
Have some fun, relax and laugh.

3x Concierge with toys :D

Come learn with us. We know where things are.


A Brief History of Quanta

  • A few computer geeks that wanted a persistent universe ‘space game’ that’s less pew-pew but not quite Eve (space ships & spreadsheets)
  • Achriel backs the RSI dream (2014 or so)
  • Years pass and more people join/play
  • More geeks, more players and Lost-Gipsy makes an ORG in v3.11
  • Zenith starts the fleshing out of the ‘feel’ of the ORG with logo & content
  • We acquire our 1st ‘Capital’ ship during the 2950 Expo.. then 2 more (lost count now)
  • Marketing, recruiting and planning the ‘what do we want to do’ part of the ORG (harder than you think)
  • By the end of IAE 2950 we have 3x Concierge members (access to Idris, Javelin, Kraken etc.)
  • By the end of August 2021 the ORG banks over 3 BILLION aUEC plus nearly every purchasable ship in-game
  • v3.15 saw the WIPE (all items and aUEC) by the end of November a million in the bank for everyone and all the components we need
  • IAE 2951 a few ships added (mostly small ones)
  • CitizenCon 2954 and many small ship added and over a dozen members, with new SC plans as an ORG we refine our goals
Some of the larger pledged corporate available ships: (by no means exhaustive)
  • 2x Carrack (1 might be upgraded to an Odyssey)
  • 1x Merchantman
  • 1x Endeavor
  • 1x Galaxy
  • 1x Corsair
  • many small ships from Nomad to Vulture (more than easily counted)


Our Board of Directors official corporate statements (to date). Please come back for updated information.

With the announcement of Guilds we are currently mostly likely to be aligning with the ‘Academy of Science’ but would like to expand into (or cooperate with other ORGs) to the ‘Interstellar Transport Guild’ and ‘United Resource Workers’.

For the moment, we are a group of players that pool resources to all get the most out of the game. There’s someone on nearly every night to join in with. Mining in groups, hauling, bounties, missions and generally having a pretty good time. You may (or may not) get hit in the head with an empty drink bottle from time to time so equip your ‘sense of humour’ before venturing out with us.

Plans you ask? Well the short version is we like space and though we might have a ground base we’re more likely on the fringe of civilization bring the rare goods to the core worlds using our Carracks, Merchantman & Endeavor. We could use some help forming those plans into reality.. you up for that kind of responsibility?

What’s in it for you?
  • You get starter capital (seed money to get you going)
  • You have access to ORG ships available for member use
  • You can use bases and facilities to help that profit margin
  • You have that extra help you’ll need (fighter cover or hauling)
  • You get a chance to play with the big toys.. we can’t solo an Idris.
What’s in it for us?
  • We loan you UEC, you pay it back (we invest in more toys)
  • We have access to more and diverse ships (if you share)
  • We have people using the facilities and that’s some revenue
  • We can’t run an Idris solo either (we need you)

So when you join.. the You becomes a We and we take care of our own.

What is the ‘Plan’?
  • In the Alpha we’re pretty rich, that’ll change with wipes but a salvage/mining run or 3 fixes that in short order
  • On release we have a plan to get a ‘jump’ on the average ORG by not wasting an easy lead (we have a detailed plan)
  • Pooling resources & capital to everyone’s benefit (lower operating costs of members)
  • Expect mining & salvaging but we’ll dip into everything over time (goals on focused manufacturing of consumables & trade)
  • Maintaining a ‘balance’ of inter-ORG services to collect allies and limit enemies


Our Board of Directors will change our official corporate charter as the game evolves toward release. Please come back for updated information.

With the announcement of Guilds we are currently mostly likely to be aligning with the ‘Academy of Science’ but would like to expand into (or cooperate with other ORGs) to the ‘Interstellar Transport Guild’ and ‘United Resource Workers’.

Currently this is what we’re hoping to do for members:
  1. Players to LEARN from, we know things and play nightly (you don’t need to be a daily player).
  2. It’s a GAME, relax and have some fun with it.
  3. It’s a CO-OPERATIVE game, the ‘big toys’ need crews or groups (aka friends).
  4. When you floating in space from an accidental eject.. it’d be handy to have a FRIEND to call.
  5. You don’t need to be ‘hard core’ you need to be RELIABLE.
  6. Everyone BENEFITS from asking & answering questions (don’t be shy).
  7. We got GEEKS, computer questions are welcome.
  8. Be POLITE, understanding and avoid the epically stupid topics
The ORG goals are pretty simple. We plan on being group of coordinated players that have enough freedom to do the things we love and cohesive enough to get the things done that need doing.
  • Help manufacturing & resource operations to generate capital (transport, build, explore)
  • Help other players in missions and trouble, expect assistance in your need
  • Pool your resource and gain access to the resources of others (hoping for an ORG hangar/ship pool)
  • Enjoy the game and the social aspects