Quantum Cargo Solutions / QUCASO

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Transport
  • Exploration

Welcome to Quantum Cargo Solutions. We are currently recruiting new employees for a variety of positions.

Exploration, New Innovation Strategies, Collaborative Culture, Time

Contact us using Discord


Quantum Cargo Solutions was formed midway through the 30th century. The UEE was rife with class conflict and economic instability due mainly to the failing SynthWorld project. People had lost faith in their politicians’ ability to accurately represent and protect them. Despite the ongoing attacks on UEE territory by Vanduul forces, the government seemed to be more interested in protecting their central systems. Leaving the outer rim colonies with broken supply chains and diminishing governmental control, the UEE had created a gap that needed to be filled by private organizations.

About Us

As such QCS was created in 2939 to fix this overwhelming distance between the UEE and its people. The founders of QCS started with an initial idea, or a guiding force if you will, to provide help to those in need, so that every life form could live peacefully. To accomplish this goal, greater assistance from all professional careers was required. As more and more people joined the cause, it had been decided that a split from the systemic issues of the UEE was needed to achieve their organizational goals. Although Quantum Cargo Solutions is in a current state of growth, they do not stray from their initial objective as they remain nimble enough to help others while providing the quality and quantity clients expect from a logistics company.

What we do

At QCS, we are more than a freight company, we are a group of like-minded individuals who care deeply about all forms of life. We want nothing more than to propagate peace and the advancement of knowledge. To support this goal, we hire people from all walks of life. We have our hands in everything from deep-space exploration to planetary trade and humanitarian aid. We believe that the larger we grow as a company, the more folks we can help along the way.


Founded in 2939, Quantum cargo solutions was built on the principles of partnership and communication. With our founders from various walks of life, we strive to deliver reliable and secure transport solutions for those looking to operate within UEE markets. We achieve this through the implementation of multiple divisions such as: mining, security, exploration and research. Here at Quantum, clientele and shareholders are our primary focus, without their support and trust we would not be able to provide excellent quality. Through our respect for all those involved in creating QCS, we guarantee high end quality as well as exceptional service for all your commerce needs.

QCS pilots are professionally trained experts at seeing your needs are met. We will only operate legal cargoes and reserve the right to refuse contracts if it is found that an organization or corporation is dealing in illegal goods or missions.



There is a mandatory attendance policy in the organization’s communication hub, whether that be Discord, or Spectrum. If you do not have a mic, a presence is still required through text chat. As long as you are able to hear other members, as most of our communication are via voice.

This organization values its reputation and as such affiliates are viewed on a case by case basis. QCS requires that they are designated as a member’s main organization, in no way is a member allowed to make QCS an affiliate as we are looking for dedicated players. However, when it comes to a member’s affiliates there are two criteria that are enforced, the first being that they cannot be associated with any criminal or disreputable organization. This conflicts with the identity of QCS and therefore is not accepted. The second is that if you remain affiliated with other organizations you are barred from joining major positions of authority within QCS.


Inactivity within QCS is defined as one (1) month of unexplained absence from the Org. Personnel shall be placed on an inactive roster at that time. After two (2) months of unexplained absence, the person in question will be removed from the Org roster. Persons having been removed may re-apply to QCS presuming that they left in good standing.

Rules of Engagement:

There is only one rule when it comes to the engagement of other players or entities, you shall not fire unless you or another member of QCS are fired upon. At such a time, you are then permitted to use any force deemed necessary, up to and including, lethal force to subdue the subject. (It is highly recommended that you use some form of video recording software as a “gun cam” to avoid “he said/she said” arguments).

Chain of Command:

Senior Board Members

Responsible for the administration of the organization, as well as communication hubs.
Hold the rank of commanding officer/supervisor when involved with organization career missions.
Are but one of the entities involved in the creation of the rules and regulations of QCS.

Board of Directors (Division Leaders)

Responsible for the administration and governance of the career they are associated with (They assign the ranks and responsibilites that fall within each career).
Any complaints within a division must be brought to the division leader before it is discussed with the board of directors.
As well, the senior board are responsible for the creation of the rules and regulations of QCS.


These are the members of the organization who have chosen QCS as their home and place of work. They gain the privileges associated with being a part of the organization which includes shared mission profits and the ability to use other members’ ships when available.
They can pick a career and gain the perks that come with that job.


These are individuals who have yet to make the choice of joining QCS.
They are only able to join the corporate office chat, and gain no benefits or privileges associated with Quantum Cargo Solutions.

Code of Conduct:

There needs to be respect for other players, entities and organizations as all times within Star Citizen. Reputation is key to the development of QCS, and therefore, professionalism must be maintained at all times.

There is a zero-tolerance policy regarding illegal activity/piracy within the Star Citizen universe. All allegations of such activity will be investigated and if they are deemed founded, the offender will be removed from the Org.

This organization is proud of our ability to care for other players in need. If you are able, it is greatly advised that you help anyone who requires it. If unable, directing them to the appropriate help is advised.

Damage to the QCS name within the Star Citizen is prohibited. Examples are as follows but are not all inclusive:
  • Harsh language towards other players in the persistent universe.
  • Expressing negative notions about QCS to other players that would have them doubt the organization’s true intentions. (This does not mean that you can’t disagree with policies and procedures but it does mean that this needs to be handled in a mature and appropriate way.)
  • Trolling/harassing other QCS members.
The following will result in immediate dismissal from the Org:
  • Anything against race and/or ethnicity.
  • Sexual harassment.
  • Real life violent threats.
  • Excessive insulting or harassing language toward people or groups.
  • Excessive use of inappropriate language.

Teamwork is essential here at QCS. We want to make the most out of this game we have all come to love and enjoy. We always have active members that are willing to group with players so that the best experience comes out of our time within Star Citizen. Have fun and welcome to Quantum Cargo Solutions!