Questar Freelancing / QUESTAR

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Freelancing
  • Transport

Questar Freelancing specializes in solving problems, big and small. Where brute force fails, Questar creates unique solutions made to fit the situation. We handle a plethora of tasks from trading and exploration to bounty hunting and security.
Check out our website:
Fly With Us


Questar Freelancing was established in 2791 as a small recruitment firm. When someone needed work to be done within our system, they would come to us. Our commitment to finding extraordinary talent to fulfill any given role has pushed us to be one of the best freelancing firms around. Our company has grown from a small group of determined partners to a large multi-system enterprise.

After some time of success, an economic downturn forced us to close our doors for several years. Not until recently have we begun revisiting our once proud firm, learning from our past and planning for our future. The steps towards Questar Freelancing are becoming more a reality everyday as we look for several talented individuals to assist in our operations.


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