108th Tactical Fighter Squadron: Wardog's / RAIDINGPTY

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Scouting

The United Empire of Earth (UEE) Navy is the largest branch of the UEE’s armed forces. It is responsible for the operation of capital spacecraft, support ships, and fighters and the maintenance thereof.


The 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron, also referred to as Wardog Squadron, is an auxiliary squadron of the UEE’s 5th Fighter Wing


When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself… first, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time, as a great hero.”


The Imperial Navy of the United Empire of Earth, also referred to as the United Empire of Earth Navy (UEEN) or simply the Navy, is the naval branch of the United Empire of Earth’s military. Like the rest of the military forces, the navy is directed by the Imperator, which in turn has naval subordinates, the admirals.

The largest branch and public face of the UEE military, the Navy is responsible for transportation of military resources, maintaining the borders and waging military strikes throughout the UEE. Service members of the Navy are deployed in nearly every system of the empire. In the early days of humanity’s expansion into space, the unified Navy primarily served as a police force, patrolling the systems for damaged or broken down ships. Upon the discovery of the Banu, the government realized that the Navy needed to be re-purposed as a military presence. The Navy’s fleet began to swell as it was the most obvious visual representation of humanity’s military strength.

Structurally, the Imperial Navy is formed around Squadrons which are assigned a carrier and a fluctuating number of support ships. An Admiral is in charge of the carrier and squadron with Wing Commanders running the multiple Wings that operate at any given time.