h1.Welcome to the RAMM Raiders™ corporation page,
we are a primarily a transport and freelance Business we can offer services to meet our customers ever need from “Pest control” “protection” and transportation of goods.
If this interests you visit our recruitment page for an application form.
We started off as a small enterprise aiming to offer any freelance service, Growing into a U.K Corporation and only employ English speaking Staff.
Consisting of Members with various intent and with support from other members we have built ourselves up from nothing to become a fighting force to be reckoned with, Role Playing is key to our business strategy.
The RAMM Raiders™ Organization Has Multiple motives and intentions these include:
Just A few thing we here at RAMM Raiders™ Corp. Stand for.
We are a U.K Corporation and only employ English speaking Staff.
Helping any Member of the organization.
Respect for other members and following orders of senior staff.
No Racism
No Abuse or spamming of fellow members.
We are all here to enjoy the game and have fun.