Rat Poison / RATPOISON

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling


Introduction & Beginnings.

Rat Poison is a small outlaw group that is only using text-based comms for all of it’s operations. Members of the group must be experienced and know their way around the verse, in order to conduct operations without relying on voice communication.

The group was born to fill a gap in the star citizen org space. A group for outlaws that don’t enjoy voip-based gameplay, but still want to experience proper group play. And maybe for most importantly, to have a crew to break you out of prison when needed.

– PhantomSelf, The Leader of Rat Poison


Rat Poison Q&A

Why no VOIP?

For varying reasons:

- If you play mostly at night when family etc is sleeping
- VOIP is a social tool, some people don’t like be too social
- Lack of a proper microphone
- Having an injury that affects your speech
- etc

So how does the group communicate?

Discord chat and in-game text chat are used for communicating. In order to make this work, all members must be experienced, always prepared and committed to follow whatever the current plan is.

Who is this for?

- Solo players that like unlawful play, but sometimes could use a backup or a pickup.
- Outlaws that might often find themselves doing time in the slammer and need help to bust out.
- Experienced players that want to do group operations or missions but don’t like using voip.

Who is this not for?

- Not for players that are mostly looking for social intercation.
- Not for noobs that don’t know what they’re doing.
- Not for players looking to participate in huge org events.
- Not for hotheads or ppl just looking for non-stop action.

How experienced do I need to be to join?

It’s preferred that you know advanced gameplay. It’s preferred that you know workarounds for most bugs.
You don’t have to be a master at everything. It’s fine if you just want to be a turret operator or a ground soldier etc, but you should still know at least the basic game mechanics, how to pilot ships, how to PvP etc.

What kind of gameplay are we talking about?

General outlaw gameplay, small-scale piracy, raiding, sandbox fun, PvP, PvE… Anything really, but emphasizing stuff that involves crimal activity. Prison extraction and crime stat hacking ops are the bread and butter of this group.

Also ‘create your own content’ kind of sandbox fun is encouraged… territory control, combat training, gang meetings, races, knife fights, gambling, experimenting, just messing around, etc.

Nothing overly serious, but thoughtful gameplay and pre-planning before conducting operations is encouraged. Role-play or not, it’s up to you.

What kind of commitment are we talking about here?

You decide. Whether you are looking for a reliable and loyal crew or buddy to sometimes do simple missions with, someone to extract you out of prison every now and then, looking to just hang out with other outlaws or wanting to do more complex multi-crew operations, etc… It’s all up to you.

You are not required to do anything really. Play when you want to play and join others when you feel like it.


Rat Poison Rules

- Everyone is expected to join the group discord
- Discord chat and the in-game text chat are used for communication
- Always carry a gun and a loadout suited for the current situation
- You can speak freely and give suggestions, but the chain of command is to be respected
- Loyalty is expected when rolling in group, but not when a member is acting solo
- Have a basic plan in place before conducting operations
- No reckless behavior

Base of Operations

Rat Poison is currently based in Stanton, and has it’s main meeting place located on Daymar. Details of this location is for members only.


The Discord link can be found in the org’s spectrum. The Rat Poison Discord is for members only.


This is a fresh group and a bit experimental in nature. If you are interested to join, adjust your expectations accordingly.