Raven’s Wing / RAVW

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As the many eyes watch over those that seek freedom in the verse, the Raven’s Wing cast many Shadows over those who would impede upon it. We protect and rescue those that fight against the oppressive force that is the UEE and the Corporate commodification of human lives.


Founded in 2953, The Raven’s Wing dedicated itself the Freedom and Rescue of those outside of the oppressive laws of the UEE and the corps that it back.


As the many eyes watch over those that seek freedom in the verse, the Raven’s Wing cast many Shadows over those who would impede upon it. We protect and rescue those that fight against the oppressive force that is the UEE and the Corporate commodification of human lives.

We will do what we must. We will take to bring strength. We will fight to protect freedom. We will destroy our enemies, and we will save those that call upon us. We are ravens, pitch black as the void in which we sing and soar, our cry echoing throughout the verse. As our eyes gather around transgressors, silence falls upon those that have our gaze. They may call us pirates, they may call us smugglers, they may call us murderers, they may call us many dark and evil things, but remember those that call us by these titles are either subject to the propaganda or those perpetuating and creating that propaganda. So call on ravens, those that seek freedom, call us and we will be there, if not bringers of salvation, harbingers of death.


Freedom- We do not impede upon the freedoms of others, and others shall not impede upon our freedoms. This means we shall not stop others from doing their duties as long as it does not stop us from ours.

Rescue- it is incumbent upon us to rescue all criminals, pirates, smugglers, freedom fighters, and all of our ilk that are in need. This does not mean we do not help others, it just means they take precedent. We do this free of charge. You are allowed to take any credits offered by anyone. If this is a rescue beacon, all money is kept by the rescuer.

Piracy- we do what we must to keep the ravens strong. However, we do so with dignity. This means that we give all opportunity for those that find themselves at the receiving end of our ire the opportunity to willingly and without injury meet our demands. We do not take everything, we only take 75% if they do so. However, if they choose to fight back, it is their freedom to do so. It is also our freedom to share our message of death. If this does happen, 100% is taken.

Reciprocity- all raids shall pay 20% of the total profit earned to the organization. This is to pay for equipment, on boarding, and the continued growth of The Raven’s Wing.

Payout- the remaining 80% shall be divided as such. 10% goes to the organizer/leader of the raid. The remaining 70% shall be divided equally among the rest of the participants in the raid.

Industry- 20% of the total profit earned is given to the org, ONLY if it is an org funded and sponsered job. Otherwise, it is up to the participants to decide how they wish to split the earnings.