Rheinfeste Avionik Werke / RAW

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Engineering
  • Resources

Rheinfeste Avionics is a family driven company with its roots in Europe which specializes in the design and production of integrated modular avionics for the spaceflight industry. Under our trade mark, production facilities on Earth are supported by our sales companies all over the Verse.


Rheinfeste Avionik Werke was founded in Europe 2113 in a small Town near Cologne. Building MESNIC the companies first computer-driven combined sensor system allowing for independent navigation and mapping even in interstellar and intergalactic environments. Our head office with departments for development and production of specialized Electronics, Sensors and Engine Modifications is still situated at northern Rhine (Earth).

2195 after the reterraforming of Mars a bureau for theoretical research was founded at the Tharsis plateau, to support the development of core systems for the first human colonisation ship Artemis.

2539 A Sales department was founded at Prime in the Terra system

Since 2638 Rheinfeste Avionik Werke establishes regular exploration operations into unknown and fringe-systems, to search for new technology, trading partners, ressources and locations for permanent or semipermanent outposts

In 2752 a new laboratory for the development and research branch was founded in the Rhetor System on Persei (Rhetor II).

Furthermore subsidiaries for sales and services were established: in Rytif (Bremen) and Cestulus (Davien).


I. Introduction

“What is certain is that nothing is certain. Not even that.” J. Ringelnatz The alive hostile vastness of the universe offer to mankind for centuries now a new home. Many have set out to build a new life here or to seek adventure. Yet freedom also entails risks. Disagreement is in the nature of man. To avert any resulting conflict is the goal of the our decisions and economic policies. Therefore we, Rheinfeste Avionik Werke, chose a new organization model, which will allow our Fleets to be highly secured and simultaneously deployed to their best performance: We structure our economic operations into divisions together with protective forces, central hub plattforms and /or organized logistics. The income is spread about all ships participating in these Operations. Our security forces are not a attacking army and therefore not available as such. Instead we face in the crossfire and prevent the emergence of conflict. Our armed force is only out there to protect, but also applied with consistency. Eventually doing exercises and patrolling duty on essential transport routes while in Operation. Hence providing stability in our active sectors.

II. Overview of our Services

Corporation owned industrial and armed fleets for personal but organized use. Staging- and central logistics hubs spread over different systems. High availability of production ressources at low price. Secure transport and courier flights. Also for third parties and allies if operating in the same region.

Important: We are neutral but not indifferent. We may decline a request in case of moral, legal or other conflicts.

III. We offer our members:

fair distribution of profit Free community, supports each other and protects. flat hierarchy. Equal voting power. Aspiring organizational opportunities. With you growing in the same corporation and us together contributing our skills. Progress and personal responsibility is recognized and rewarded. The welfare of our members is standing in front of corporate profit. Ranks are primarily for tasks and will be on your own interests. Qualification and suitability will be rewarded. No to real life overlapping of responsibilities (real life has priority)

IV. Our goals

Corporation owned Assets are there to be ment as requirements and challenge justice. Risk minimization for members (acquisition of expenses incurred by company). Having fun with a friendly and highly capable community, joint activities (exploration, fleet deployment duties, industrial work etc.) More opportunities for members through the corporation (like collective mission running, highly valuable contacts and operations…)

V. Business Allies

Often all Our work is demanded by our operational fleet and it’s equipment. Therefore, we exclusively rely on competent partners from sectors like industry,business and security to extend our capabilities. If our fleets aren’t deployed to their highest extends, we also offer workforce and equipment among our partners.


The Codex of our organisation.
During the time a Codex has been built within our organisation which must be strictly adhered to by all citizens, pilots and applicants:
Watch your manners and keep at least a minimum of decency towards other pilots. Insults or racist comments will not be tolerated. On proven infringement the offender will be kicked out of the airlock and excluded from our organisation. No other member of our organisation or our allies may be attacked. Of course every pilot is allowed to defend himself if necessary. Exceptions like training fights are allowed. Active acts of Piracy will not be tolerated. We are operating under a neutral Flag. The only exception are fractions and organisations which are at war with us. In that case every of our pilots owns a letter of marque. Every member of the Rheinfeste Avionik Werke possesses the same voting power on important decisions. Votings are evaluated by the responsible Spokesmen. All entrepreneurial decisions shall be made with the consent of all concerned parties with the fundamental target of profit maximization for the organisation. If mutual consent is not possible, the higher ranking members decide in a regular conference. During combat operations the chain of command has to be obeyed, based on their greater combat experience, their ability to coordinate attacks and to maintain order during action higher ranking officers are in charge. Beyond operations all members of our corporation are equal and allowed to follow their own goals. Everyone who damages the influence or the infrastructure of the RAW and/or its allies will be excluded and hunted down.