Rock Miner Industries / RCKMNR

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Exploration

RCKMNR founded with the backing of its members who relentlessly continue to pursue a foothold in space. Whether its through warfare, trading, or illicit activities the members of this coalition will do everything needed to push forward in their expedition.


We are a small group dedicated to the extraction and discovery of the finest ores and items the Galaxy has to offer.

Our ultimate goal is to a full support entity to take care of ALL the needs to keep you running fluently.

RCKMNR found its first home in Eve for many years before also expanding into Elite Dangerous.
We mined our way to success and didn’t miss a single bounty along that journey.
We are making our next galactic leap into Star Citizen where we will stop at nothing to help bring only the finest of goods whether to your favorite ports and stations or right to your front door.

We are always for hire, we will not back down from a challenge put ahead of us when it comes to delivering your goods.

Through sweat, blood, tears, and bullets we will deliver.

RCKMNR reserves the rights to refuse services to anyone.

Just tell us where you need us

Question? Ask us


We are a mining based institution dedicated to finding the rarest of resources.

Send a request for hire, or ask for free estimate.
Let us know what you need, and where you need delivery

When and Where…


We are a Independent Entity. We have no allegiance to any faction, or entity.

All RCKMNR employees will never pirate, gank, steal, or plunder other hard working citizens.
That said we do reserve the right to destroy, and plunder whomever attempts to undermine our efforts in the Verse.
Our goal is to provide the resources needed “At whatever cost”

If you would like to contact us for pricing, or other services needed please feel free to join us in spectrum.