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Reaper Salvage and Mining / REAPERSALV

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Engineering
  • Resources

Welcome, welcome, what can we do for you today? Looking to buy or sell anything? Do you need something refueled, repaired or even disposed of? Maybe looking for a mining claim? Want to live on the edge? What ever your skills bring, we have the job for you, Start off fresh in Reaperville.


It was the year 2550, Gold Horizon was founded as a dedicated prospecting corporation, intending to take advantage of the new government’s series of tax breaks for asteroid mining concerns. The company found immediate success, buoyed by the discovery of the Grakneth lode, a high concentration of titanium-bearing asteroids in the outlands of the Terra System.

Gold Horizon’s mineral profits quickly lead to its establishment as an industrial concern, producing pre-fabricated mining stations for quick deployment in newly surveyed star systems. At this time in history, interstellar claim jumpers had become ubiquitous, taking advantage of the long lead time between corporate surveys and the actual start of large-scale mining.

By Gold Horizon’s second decade of operation, the United Empire of Earth had become an established reality and Human civilization had caught the terraforming bug. Observing that vast amounts of the Imperial economy were now devoted to supporting general expansion and terraforming projects, Gold Horizon opted to move from mining support into planetary transformation support.

With two fingers directly on the pulse of the expanding empire, and a growing number of politicians in their pocket, Gold Horizon seemed to be an unstoppable juggernaut. The company took in billions from government and private contracts (many rumored to have been acquired through bribes). Gold Horizon had its name directly attached to the reigning social movement and seemed as if it could do no wrong. That was until 2650, when CEO and majority shareholder Dennis Acevedo made a single, fateful decision: move the corporation’s headquarters to Terra.

Historians remain divided on the reasoning for Acevedo’s decision. Terra was an increasingly popular center of Human culture, but many in Corsen Messer V’s circle of advisers feared that its popularity was also shifting the cultural focus away from Earth. Whether the company was seeking to reduce its overhead with the relocation or it was actively protesting the increasingly martial focus of the Empire’s expansion is lost to history. Whatever the reasoning, the Imperator took note, and proclaimed Gold Horizon’s move to be a personal affront.

Government contracts completely ceased, and private developers were urged not to continue purchasing Gold Horizon equipment. In the space of just five years, Gold Horizon would be driven out of business. Two CEO’s, serving in rapid succession, attempted to right the ship with a move back to mining and then general heavy industry support, but nothing could stop the inevitable. Gold Horizon closed shop permanently in 2655.

The closing of Gold Horizon left a whole mining and prospecting community without income, most people moved back to earth to survive on unemployment grants, others took up a live of crime to make ends meet, a small hand full of prospectors decided to band together and put their meager savings into a new mining venture.

This new business would be called Reaper mining, with only a small cargo ship, hardly any working capital and outdated equipment, the company started mining on the nearby planet Terra, slowly a small mining community developed, called Reaper Ville, long ours of manual labour and slow retruns marked the business, for years the company scraped by just barely supporting their families.

Then in 2927 the company hit it big when they discovered a vein of pristine black diamonds, credits rolled and the business was booming, with the newly aquired wealth they invested in a couple of MISC Prospector and started mining nearby asteroids, while venturing further and further into the unkown in persuit of new mining oppertunities. Business continued to climb and not long after the prospectors were purchased the company made the ultimate investment and bought into a RSI Orion and a MISC Hull D.

But with the newly aquired wealth came fame, and soon more and more aspirant miners came to the frontier, Reaper Ville grew into a small town as more and more people came to Terra, with the influx of people, new business oppertunities opened up, first the company invested in a MISC Starfarer to harvest gas and to supply passing ships with fuel, shortly there after a Anvil Crucible was bought to handle repairs and finaly everything that could not be repaired had to be salvaged and that is when the company invested in a Aegis Reclaimer. As the company and fleet grew the company realized that security was needed and various fighters and escourts were drafted.

With the company diverse business interest the companies name was changed in 2963 to Reaper Salvage and Mining.


Our vision is to become the leader in deep space mining and salvage and the preferd supplier to any embattled, broken or sticken vessel, Need a tow or repair, a refuel where ever when ever, getting you on the road to beyond.

We will be a casual community, and there is no time commitments. we Intend to focus on mining, salvage, repair and refueling, but any one is welcome to play their own part.


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