Red Compass Medical Brigade / REDCOMPASS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Medical
  • Transport

“In the vast expanse of the cosmos, the Red Compass Medical Brigade stands as a beacon of hope and healthcare for all, guided by the principles of communism. Together, we navigate the stars, spreading the values of equality, unity, and communal service throughout the galaxy.”


“Founded on the principles of Karl Marx and inspired by the ideals of a better future for all, the Red Compass Medical Brigade has a rich history of providing healthcare services to those in need, regardless of their status or wealth. Drawing from the struggles and achievements of past communist movements, this medical team strives to create a galaxy where access to healthcare is not a privilege, but a fundamental right for all sentient beings.”


The organization structure of the Red Compass Medical Brigade reflects its communist principles, with a flat hierarchy and emphasis on collective decision-making. The medical team is governed by a democratically elected Medical Council, made up of representatives from the various medical and support departments. All major decisions, such as operational strategies and resource allocation, are discussed and agreed upon by the Medical Council through consensus. This structure fosters a sense of unity, shared responsibility, and collaboration within the organization, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued.


“Charter of the Red Compass Medical Brigade:

Article I: Solidarity and Unity

We, the members of the Red Compass Medical Brigade, pledge to uphold the principles of solidarity and unity in our service to all sentient beings. We recognize that access to healthcare is a fundamental right, and we commit ourselves to provide care without discrimination or prejudice.

Article II: Equality and Justice

We strive to create a healthcare system that treats all patients equally and ensures justice and fairness in allocation and access to medical services. Our goal is to eliminate inequalities in healthcare.


The Charter of the Red Compass Medical Brigade: addendum

To provide medical care to all sentient beings without discrimination or prejudice, regardless of their status, race, or species.
To uphold the principle of collective well-being, standing together in solidarity for the improvement of all lives.
To promote equality in healthcare, ensuring that access to medical services is not determined by wealth or social Standing.
To serve as an example of a just and caring society, guided by the principles of communism and the ideals of a better future for all.