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Red Oni Company / REDONICOMP

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

The Red Oni Company is a laidback organization focused on enjoying all aspects of the game. We are forming a large fleet capable of enjoying many gameplay loops on a high level.


The founding members met each other in the galaxy. After sharing a drink, they formed a small party, doing odd jobs around the Stanton system.

Wishing to expand the fleet, and for more pilots to enjoy all the jobs the galaxy can offer. The founders founded the Red Oni Company.

After a long process of creating the Company the founders have started recruitment.

Recruitment has started and few have joined the Company following the events of the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo



The Red Oni Company believes that its members should be free to pursue whatever career paths they want to. At times we’re escorts for traders, at other times we’re the pirates threatening them. Sometimes we’re the traders ourselves and other times we’re the miners or salvagers providing the trading goods. From bounty hunting to hauling of goods, from mining to piracy, our members are free to do as they please within the very few boundaries our company has.


Red Oni members can be hired to protect your valuable goods from pirates or as support on dangerous missions. Since we have strict rules regarding the confidentiality of our contractors you can even trust us with infiltration and assassination requests.


With a curious mind the members of the company love exploring the hidden corners of the verse and for the right price they might just sell information on the latest hotspots within the verse.


With several big haulers the company has a lot of experience trading the most profitable goods. With many fighter escorts our traders are always safe from threats.


While we can be hired as mercenaries to protect your valuable goods from those with ill intent we also know that to fight an enemy you first have to understand them and understand them we do.


Not all trading goods can be sold through traditional means and we at the Red Oni Company are well aware of that. Our members are familiar with the lesser traveled routes, outside of the law’s reach.


As mercenaries, bounty hunters and pirates we often happen to ‘find’ ship wrecks and our industrially minded members have taken it upon themselves to ‘clean’ the verse of these wrecks.


Life doesn’t always have to be action packed and sometimes it’s refreshing to take it easy for a day and hop onto a mining vessel and mine the day away.


Not every citizen has enough fuel capacity to move from point A to B and with our big ships we are capable of moving your valuables wherever you might need them. Hauling personnel, ships and goods from where you are to where you want to be.


Knowing full well how pirates operate several of our members have become experienced as bounty hunters, using their knowledge and skills to hunt down the pirates.



Members of the Red Oni Company are free to pursue any career options. The company will strive to support all its members regardless of the career they wish to pursue.


Members of the Red Oni Company will offer their services to the highest bidder and adhere to the contract at all costs, even if that means they have to fight against other members of the company.


Members of the Red Oni Company will protect their contractors’ information, even from other members of the company.
The Red Oni Company strongly forbids the leaking of any information regarding other members and contractors


Contract payment is spread evenly between the members that have signed the contract and the company will not take a cut from it. Contracts signed by the entirety of the company however will go to the company as a whole.