Republican Space Rangers / REPSR

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

Republican Space Rangers.
We are the Republican Space Rangers! Our mission is to patrol the galaxy protecting it from hostile threats. We might be underfunded, underequiped, underpaid, and never thanked, but none of that matters, because at the end of the day, we do what we do FOR AMERICA.


Our PMC has it’s origins in the 21st century. It was 2073 when the global oil crash struck America hard. Needing a leader that everyone could put their faith in; it was an obvious choice. The new president of America was Mecha Ronald Reagan (serial code: 0064935). Some of the weak minded, non-patriot, democrat Americans thought this was a terrible idea and tried to assassinate our glorious leader. Our leader, Mecha Ronald Reagan, needed protection, and that is when the Republican Space Rangers were born. Our sole mission on the day of our birth was to protect the beautiful being that was Mecha Ronald Reagan. Since that fateful day we have expanded across the galaxy always on the prowl for any threats to the current (and everlasting) leader of the United States of America: Mecha Ronald Reagan.


  1. Protect Mecha Ronald Reagan.
  2. Protect American interests through out the galaxy.
  3. Expand the American influence through out the galaxy.


Trying to figure out what to put here.

We are currently consulting the United States President Mecha Ronald Reagan.