Reclaim Trade / RETRADE

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Trading


Reclaim Trade is an organization that is focused on all kind of salvaging, trading and exploring operations

Visit our webpage

Visit our forums: here



03/ Jun / 2015 Reached 800 members, thank you!

23/ Feb / 2015 We have now forums! Check them out here

14/ Feb / 2015 Uploaded a new organization details cover

10/ Feb / 2015 Reached 735 members!!


Who are we?

We are a coorporation based on helping each other.

We are willing to become one of the leading coorporation on salvaging and exploration focused on finding resources to become an alternative to in-game shops, offering weapons, ship parts and at a fair price, also, we have ensured self-sufficiency protecting ourservels and our salvage and trading vessels.

Join us and you will have a helpful community and the best prices around.

Primary roles:

  • CEO: Electrone
    • Security commander: Avaliable
    • Explorers leader: Electrone
    • Trading director: Icaro
    • Chief salvager: Avaliable
    • Corporate espionage master: Electrone
    • Salvagers Racing Team Champion: Avaliable
  • 1st: Avaliable – 1st officer is in charge of locating members on their appropiate ranks and coordinate the security forces of the organization
  • Coordinators: Coordination is the part of the organization that is in charge of managing the application of future memebers and coordinating our efforts depending on the timezone.
    • EU Coordinator: Electrone
    • America Coordinator: Icaro
  • Marketing: Codecksx – Marketing department is in charge of advertising our company and creating new content of it, making things easier for the users who want to become part of our organization, also, marketing coordinators are in charge of the trade routes and leading our trade vessels. This charge requires a bit of graphic desing knowledge


Reclaim Trade was formed by members of the legendary 225th salvage unit of the UEE. They got tired of not always affording the best and they realized that they could make a lot more money selling parts, weapons, artifacts, ores, metals, upgrades, equipment, cargo items, and ordnances they found privately. So, they started trading and selling what they found to members at a cheaper price than what members could buy in-store. It didn’t take long for the word to get around the universe and soon they decided to buy their own Reclaimers and other ships for this purpose. Today, people come to them from all walks of life and Reclaim Trade is never to busy to reply to all offers and requests. All prices are negotiable and they never over price. Members today own all kinds of ships and share the same vision today with deep space explorations and selling and trading their findings with other members.



We offer all kinds of deep space explorations, including warship explorations in warlike systems while selling and trading our findings to all our members privately.



  • Always offer the best price. Overpricing will be very harshly dealt with.
  • The first person on a exploration site has finders rights until he leaves.
  • In group play how findings are split up will be negotiated beforehand. Anyone violating this word of trust will be very harshly dealt with.
  • Be respectful and courteous to all members … and have lots of fun playing! Never be to serious!