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Revenant Cartel / REVNTCRTEL

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Only two reasons to cross our path. If you need something to appear where it doesn’t belong or someone removed from your path. Regardless of which, you’re in the right place. We are a notorious cartel that are uncatchable. Most believe us to be a myth. That’s our advantage and your Benefit


Revenant cartel is an org with a long but dreadful past. This Org was first established by Yorick Ainsworth A.K.A Yorick the Undying. He was a UEE security officer in 2861 turned corrupt Bounty hunter in 2865. He used his connection with local security forces in the SOL system to hide criminals that were willing to pay him off rather them turn them in. If you could top the price on your head he was more than willing to get you out of the system. Eventually higher officials caught on to him and then it was he who had a bounty on his head. Thought to have been killed in multiple run ins with old ally Bounty hunters, he earned the reputation as the Undying. He began to turn his skills picked up from smuggling criminals out of the system into smuggling anything. Eventually his renown brought both the best smugglers and most dirty bounty hunters from the Sol system to his side establishing the Revenant Cartel in year 2873. The Cartel went on to be unstoppable, becoming a plague in the Sol system for both individual governments as well as criminals themselves. It was difficult to link anyone to the Cartel as they played so close to the line of the law. In 2892 The UEE invested a considerable amount of resources to track down the hierarchy of the Cartel to hopefully eradicate them. A war on their criminal activity went on for 4 years with casualties recording around 1711 individuals between both sides. In 2896 Yorick called for a cease fire, inserting his belief among the Cartel that murder is not what the Cartel is about, forcing his Organization to begin working deeper into the shadows. With their calmed hubris they lasted another year before Yorick was presumed to be killed after being betrayed by one of his own Bounty hunters. From 2897 till 2913 the cartel was knowingly operating under the code of conduct left by the memory of Yorick the Undying. In 2913 The UEE found the base of operations of the Cartel in the newly discovered Stanton system, eradicating the Revenants in their masses. Very few members who were scattered among the galaxy survived. With their number down to less than 15 members, the Revenant Cartel began to be forgotten. It wasn’t until 2948 that two of Yoricks descendants began to revive the work of their grandfather. Both skilled in smuggling and bounty hunting just as Yorick was, they proved why they were meant to become the new Grand Revenants of the Organization. Verus Krutch and Jogenko Von Killdur operated so well in the shadows that in just a year they created what citizens of the Stanton system believe to be a myth rather than fiction of the Revenants rival. Now in 2949 word has gotten around of their recruitment of the most renowned smugglers and Bounty hunters. Though, most would argue this is speculation and not proof of what was once the boogyman to both the UEE and other criminal Organizations are once again creeping in the shadows and in plain sight.


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