Rawr Fleet / RFLEET

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Welcome to Rawr Fleet!
This organization prides itself on steadfast dedication, being non-discriminatory, and friendly to those who earn it.
We are a family of pilots, deck crew, and marines. Come with us and explore the stars. Don’t be shy, apply today.
So say we all.


  • 12/27/2014 – 25 members strong. The progress is good, invite your friends!
  • 10/24/2014 – Star Citizen Mosaic: Rawr Fleet Location
  • 10/11/2014 – Fleet is now at 20 members. Start training pilots!
  • 10/06/2014 – PvE Cooperative Combat Training Begins
  • 06/04/2014 – Arena Commander Launched!
  • 05/17/2014 – Initial logo design added. Thank Denkou!
  • 05/17/2014 – Fleet at 15 members. Can’t wait to see you all in the verse.
  • 05/01/2014 – Kaoru promoted to Admiral.
  • 04/10/2014 – Fleet is up to 10 members. Growing nicely! Welcome recruits.
  • 04/05/2014 – Denkou promoted to Admiral.
  • 04/03/2014 – Draak & Fox promoted to Colonel.
  • 01/31/2014 – Fleet reaches 5 members. Welcome!
  • 01/29/2014 – Rawr Fleet is founded.


Rawr Fleet exists to bring friends together on the tour of duty through the stars.
Grouping together, exploring, and preparing for bigger things!

Ranking System
  • Ensign
    The initiate rank for Rawr Fleet. This rank has limited accessibility in the organization.
  • Lieutenant
    This rank is awarded to those that are experienced pilots/crew/marines of the organization. They have no leadership authority. Members can also ask to remain in this position to stay veterans, but not be concerned of command in the fleet.
  • Commander
    As a Commander, you are assigned as a ‘squad leader’ and can have anywhere from 2-5 people under your command. This is the earliest officer position, it comes with some important responsibilities.
  • Captain
    With this rank comes authority over small engagements of fleet ships, as well as teams of marines. This position may also be given to economic players who support the organization’s income.
  • Colonel
    This role is typically awarded to those who show excellence in dire situations. Mainly bridge officer positions, marine leaders, and industrial experts. The colonel is lowest ‘High Command’ position which gives them the highest access to organization functions.
  • Admiral
    The core of the fleet’s leadership, Admirals are expected to care for the organization in its entirety. If you have issues are concerns, they should always be the people you go to. They have the highest authority in the fleet, although for major decisions a vote between them can be called – Majority rules.


Discrimination – We do not allow any type of this. Be it for gender, race, orientation, etc. We ask that you treat all members of the organization equally.

Branding – If you wish to do any sort of art, advertisement, or display of our organization please inform either Sapphy or Denkou prior to making this kind of post public.

Recruitment – We are completely open to new members. Please refer the person to an officer or ask them to apply above via this page.