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Rogue Brigade / RGB

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling


This guild is in honor for my old SWG guild of the same name “RgB”. We used to play on the BRIA server.


We lay our faith in the chaos GODS.

(we’re not really a faith based org. its just the coolest option there)


First 4 members get automatic promotion.

1. The goal of this guild is hardcore PvP, bounty hunting, smuggling and mining.
2. To make life as difficult as possible and prevent others from reaching there own goals, as much as possible.
3. We support trolling ( with in the rules of SC )
4. To be a small elite group of spec forces, that engage in hit and run tactics
5. To always fight out numbered!!!
6. To go out of your own way and always help other guild members
7. This guild is Australian based and will focus on “best ping” for PVP matching

We are looking for a guild size of around 30 members or more, with at least 10 online most night of the week.

We are extremely hardcore, my self will be putting in at least 4 hours weeknights and a lot more weekend. ( im an 8 year vet of SWG, i played that game at one point for 8 hours a day for over a year, while holding down a full time job… lol )

We will run guild event every Saturday night + on Sundays as required / depending on interest.

I want the guilds members to help each other obtain high level pvp gear ( purples in some mmo’s ), thru helping with missions, crafting, stealing, smuggling, piracy or deceitful acts… lol

This is meant to be a fun guild with good mates taking on the verse, we will be having a lot of laughs, a lot of trolling and a lot of battles. But we are very serous about getting the best gear to PVP with.


RgB formally recognizes all guild members right to troll those we vanquish
In fact, if you DONT “troll” those you kill, there will be censure
We take into account, the opinions, wants and needs of all who attend weekly guild events.
We will work together so that all members, that need a certain item in game will get it during the weekly event.

We are classed as a republic, as the rights of the individual guild members out weights the wants of the many guild members
we will decide all disagreements with a vote of who ever is online at the time, so long as that vote doesn’t infringe on the rights of the individual.

But the Guild leader has the right to make all final decisions, based on whats in the best interest of all involved.

We will be guild waring most larger guilds. If the guild leader, “dont like the look of their face”.

We will be focusing our efforts on bounty hunting, smuggling and mining… with a long term goal of owning a transport node. All profits from guild event will be shared among the members present with 30% going to the guild to help support our goal of owning a node.
All large guild purchase’s will be voted upon before the purchase is made and the grounds of whats best for most members. Once we own a node all current guild members will get a equal share of the profits paid weekly.

Expect over whelming odds, being out gunned and and under resourced, but as we are an elite PVP guild we will be victorious.

Welcome aboard.

eTHuG d0gm34t
Leader – Chamberlain – Prophet of RgB