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Welcome to the official Spectrum channel of Rheinstahl Heavy Industries. Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.

Member of the RHEIN✠UNION


Rheinstahl Heavy Industries (RHI) was founded as ”Rhein-Ruhr-Stahlwerke GmbH” by Jakob Ackermann in the city of Essen more than 500 years ago. It started with a strong focus on the production of high tensile and special steel for industrial and military applications.

Beginning of 2439 the legal form was changed from a limited liability corporation to a publicly traded company. The initial public offering was a great success, providing the funds needed for a stable growth in an evolving market.

Development and production of all kinds of alloys for the increasing demand of the space ship industry followed soon after the company won their first long term delivery contract with Roberts Space Industries at the end of the 25 century.

After 120 years of constant growing in a niche market, RHI expands its business activities by entering the commodity trade market. Taking over the “Asteroid Mining Company Ltd.” was a logical next step to secure the companies constant supply with ore for an increasing number of blast furnaces. In line with the takeover the company changed its name to “Rheinstahl Heavy Industries”.

The huge public investments in military equipment during the Messer era was the main reason for RHI to further extend the production range by compact power plants, engines and even spacecrafts. With these steps, RHI turned itself into an engineering-driven company, spending almost double of the average percentage of the revenue for development. While the power plant division was a great success for more than two centuries, the engine development department couldn’t catch up performance wise to its main competitors and was closed after fifty years of effort with doubtful effect.

With the massive decrease in military budget at the end of the era, RHI, along with many other military focused companies, run into financial troubles. The former well known and respected spaceship division was the first victim of a long term restructuring process. To survive, RHI had to focus on its core competence: development, production and shipment of exotic alloys.

Once again, RHI became a reliable business partner for the industry but on a much smaller scale. Due to a request from one of its customers, RHI began trading spaceship equipment. Against all odds it was a great success and lay foundation for the company as it is known by now.

Rheinstahl Heavy Industries became member of the Rhein✠Union in June 2944.

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The main focus of Rheinstahl Heavy Industries is making money by trading all kinds of legal goods, including bits and bytes. Therefore the company’s fleet contains different types of freight ships: from the small but lightning fast Drake Herald for data transport missions up to the mighty Hull E from MISC, every cargo size needed is covered. Also harvesting fuel from Gas Giants with Starfarer tankers is part of our business. The total capacity of the RHI fleet exceeds the 100.000 SCU mark by far and will further increase as RHI is expanding over time.

With a centuries-long tradition and experience in engineering, improving and optimizing existing technology is the second branch of the company’s activities.

The long term goal of RHI is to re-establish our own production facilities.

Our trading runs are secured if needed, either by our own armed spacecrafts or by the forces of the Rheinwehr, a founding member of the Rhein✠Union. With the company’s own capital ship, an Idris-P frigate (which is lend to and manned by the Rheinwehr), we are well prepared for even high risk trading missions.

The mining division, a core part of RHI for almost 400 years, was recently sold to Rheingold Stellar Mining, another member of the Rhein✠Union.

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  1. Human dignity is inviolable
  2. We treat everyone with respect
  3. We take care for each other
  4. We will judge others only on his/her/its behavior, not on his/her/its
    • race
    • religion
    • gender
    • sexual orientation
    • fortune
    • age
    • general reputation
  5. We tolerate a lot, but…
  6. We will not tolerate any kind of
    • racism
    • fascisms
    • sexism
    • fanaticism
  7. We want to have fun, but…
  8. We will not ruin the fun of others just for having fun
  9. We will not start a fight, but we will defend ourselves as best as we can
  10. We are a company located in Germany, open for international candidates
  11. We speak German, English speaking employees are welcome
  12. We are a proud member of the Rhein✠Union
  13. We want you, if you are an adult and willing to sign the above
  14. We have cookies. And coffee!

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