Rowsdower Heavy Manufacturing / RHM

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Social
  • Engineering

Everything we do is built on a commitment to do the right thing for our customers, our people, and our community. Our mission and our values guide the way we do business.


2460 – Zap Rowsdower founds a small company providing clothing and tools to enterprising terraformers

2516 – Rowsdower Heavy Manufacturing is founded after absorbing several smaller corporations, expanding their scope from terraforming supplies to small arms and light vehicles

2681 – Responding to the threat of Vanduul raids, RHM bids on a series of lucrative defense contracts, raising their status and profits

2795 – The Fair Chance Act wreaks havoc at RHM forcing the company to lay off over the work force. To shift away from an overreliance on terraforming and defense work, RHM begins to heavily invest in R&D

2872 – RHM lands several key contracts for the development of The SynthWorld Project

2920 – After suffering heavy losses RHM is unable to obtain protection for all their offworld intestes from the UEE. In response RHM creates a private military corporation

2942 – Who knows what the future will bring for RHM… maybe you can help shape what will come


The foundation of the RHM culture is our Values, Beliefs and Expectations by which we select, recognize and reward employees. They create the environment that drives us toward our mission.

INSPIRED to make a difference We are committed to solving the verse’s toughest problems. We achieve this by connecting our employees’ knowledge and our superior technologies in pursuit of answers. We know that by embracing the differences of all employees we will unlock the creativity and innovation that makes a difference.

PASSIONATE about customer success We are determined to understand and respond to our customers’ needs as if they were our own. This plus our dedication to deliver superior results ensures that we will create solutions that lead our markets.

UNITED as a team We are bound together by our conviction that ethics and integrity are core to how we operate. We engage with others from a basis of trust because we believe that everyone is doing his or her best and wants to do the right thing. Therefore, we collaborate and share to create value for our employees, our shareholders and our communities.


Corporate Responsibility

Beyond the contributions we make to science and technology, we’re committed to using our time and resources to support our people, enrich our communities, and protect our environment. It’s this commitment that defines our philosophy on corporate responsibility and sustainability.