Rift Ravagers / RIFRAF

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Security

Ravagers sees themselves more as businessman then as pirates they are providing a service. Offering Clients Protection while they are in Ravager Space

Now if a individual choses to not become a client of ours then we can no longer guarantee there safety


Who’s asking? (will add one)

Look in Manifesto and Charter


the Ravagers drive is “extortion” protection of our clients, a good day is a day no one gets shot and everyone walks away Rich! and happy,

if possible try to convince our client your dealing with that is a good idea for his safety to listen and its a good idea to corroborate with our demands. when asking for a portion of he’s cargo or credits to let him pass Safely through Ravager Space

we also provide Repair/Refuel Services and Salvaging Services should it be needed


———RolePlay: Reasons———

its mainly to Keep The Focus In Game and on The Game.. so we want to avoid people speaking about real life stuff… Real life anything.. we just dont want the Drama of it… soo we dont want to see that here… leave it at the door or Take it to private or take it somewhere els

ofcourse this dos not mean you’ll get in trouble for saying your wife wants you to log off or you have to get the kids or what not thats fine..

but we dont want your political views or religious views or your racial views unless its in game politics or in game religion..

so its better to just tell people to keep it to them selves or take it somewhere els

the Exception to the Rule is if you speak about Star Citizen Development


Fleet Captain
Captain Lieutenant – ( Must own a ship of +5 Crew )
Deck Officer – ( Must own a ship of +3 Crew )
Soldier of Fortune – ( any decent ship ) been with the group a while
Henchmen ( no ship or starter ship ) or new to the group

Admiral of The Fleet ( Founder Creator of Org )
Commodore ( Officer = Rank Moderator / Member Kicker Power )
Recruiter ( Recruiter )

——Suggested Ships——

Cutlass Black = (Medium Fighter/Medium Freight) its a good Multi-Role ship with decent cargo
Vulture = (Light Salvage) as we plan to run some Salvaging too
Argo SRV = (Tractor beam) for “Ship Recovery Missions”
Any Fighter Ship = as they will be needed in the Group
Any Support Ship = if you wish to run Support for the Group
Carrier Fighters = Anvil Arrow, Anvil Hawk, Mustangs, ( anything thats Small or Can Fold up into something smaller )

all in all

We Like Drake Ships

of course anything is welcome and
you dont need more then one ship
this is just if you need Advice for a ship

——List of Confirmed Ships we have——

Drake Krakken <- Multi-Role – Light Carrier
Banu Merchantman <- Heavy Freight / Bazzar / Fence
Drake Caterpillar <- Heavy Freight
Crucible <- Repair
Hammerhead <- Heavy Gun Ship
Hercules <- Military Transport
Polaris <- Corvette
Reclaimer <- Heavy Salvage
Vulcan <- Repair/Refuel

and of course alot of
Drake Cutlass <- Medium Fighter/Medium Freight “Suggested Ship”
Drake Voltures <- Light Salvage “Suggested Ship”
Argo SRV <- (Tractor beam Ship) for “Ship Recovery Missions”
and other Fighters