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  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Security


Now accepting security contracts.

Established January 21, 2944



Rinconada Corporation [RINCORP], will seek out lucrative contracts and commissions requiring mercenary expertise and precision, while maintaining a constant state of readiness throughout the Star Citizen universe.

Though RINCORP aims to explore a wide range of activities within Star Citizen; our primary focus is that of being Private Security. Our Organization and its Members will field a wide range of contracts from both other Individuals and Organizations and strive to provide an outstanding level of service and high success rates.

When not otherwise engaged, Members of RINCORP are encouraged to explore some of the many other possible professions on offer within the Universe, and to support this, we will also be striving to establish RINCORP controlled space, where our economic and other non-combat orientated players will be free to enjoy the many additional avenues of fun and profit within Star Citizen. While all our members will be expected to know how to handle themselves in a firefight, they will be free to excel as explorers, merchants, Industrialists, or even data couriers.

  • Seek out lucrative contracts and commissions
  • Recruit highly skilled operators
  • Build the reputation of RINCORP both within the game, and the community

Though it’s difficult to give an exact listing of what sort of work RINCORP is willing to take on, the below list should serve as an adequate indicator. If you ever find yourself in need of some extra military strength, RINCORP is willing to offer:

  • Private Security
  • Armed Escorts
  • Defensive and Offensive Operations
  • Anti-Piracy Operations
  • Reconnaissance and Surveillance

Like above, this section serves as an example and is not a complete list. Due to our desire to maintain a good reputation with the UEE and affiliated factions, there are several actions which RINCORP will not undertake within UEE Controlled Space or in situations where doing so may have negative repercussions for our organization.

  • Piracy
  • Smuggling
  • Slavery, Slave Trading, and Slave Transportation
  • Unsanctioned Assassinations
  • Other Actions which may negatively impact our standings.

RINCORP and its Members will always reserve the right to decline the offer of any other work which may have a negative impact on their personal standings or presents undue risk to involved parties.


  • Age 21+
RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Members are entitled to the following rights, which shall be enforced by RINCORP leadership:
  • Play the game free from harassment or discrimination.
  • Be treated with respect by fellow faction members.
Members are expected to uphold themselves to the following rules & responsibilities:
  • Do nothing to infringe on the rights of members as detailed above.
  • Be polite and courteous to fellow members, and when applicable, also to members of the general public.
  • Cooperate with RINCORP leadership and their instructions, assuming it would not present an undue risk to personnel, assets, or real life commitments to do so.
  • Keep your actions in line with the interests of RINCORP and its members. Neglecting and/or purposefully damaging the assets or the reputation of RINCORP or any of its members will not be tolerated.
  • Do your best to come to the aid of fellow members if urgent and justifiable aid is needed, assuming it would not present an undue risk to personnel, assets, or real life commitments to do so.
  • Avoid disclosing any and all information deemed confidential.

RINCORP strives to keep organizational structuring as flat as possible. This means keeping the ranking system simple, fair, and flexible.

At the top level, Commanders (Board of Directors), will help shape the direction of RINCORP by making the hard decisions, like going to war with another Organization or deciding if we should enter into a high-risk contract that would require commitment of massive resources. They will also be in responsible for the general management of the organization, such as recruitment, event creation and management, crisis response, managing inter-organizational diplomacy, and handling internal matters which can’t be resolved by our officers. Generally most of these issues will be handled by delegated officers, with Commanders in a supervisory role.

The Officer Core of RINCORP will generally be kept to a minimum where possible, with Officers being split into Warrant Officers who supervise general day-to-day operations, for instance during combat operations, while Fleet Officers will be in charge with certain authorities such as recruitment and discipline, and will assume Commander responsibilities in their absence or when requested.

Senior Operators are experienced operators encouraged to mentor and provide leadership to younger members.

Operators are the vast bulk of the RINCORP membership. Our general rank & file members, they are our soldiers, traders, industrialists and everyone else.

Recruits are provisional members who undergo a fairly brief trial period before they are accepted as full members. This may involve a waiting period on certain privileges and perks, but recruits are generally otherwise treated as Operators.

As stated in the Manifesto, the primary focus of RINCORP will be the undertaking of contracts from a client base ranging from lone traders, right up to the largest of Organizations in need of a little extra firepower.

Though the leadership of RINCORP will encourage all members to take part in contract work when they’re able, mandatory participation of members will never be the policy of RINCORP.

With that in mind, It is important to note that only those who actively participate in the completion of a contract will receive a share of the profits. The distribution of earnings will occur after the completion of a contract, with each participant receiving an equal cut of the total pay out.