Task Force Ripper / RIPPER

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Semper Paratus, Semper Fidelis
Task Force Ripper is Mission Oriented. The mission comes first. Leadership by example. With missions successfully completed, value increases. With increased value, comes increased demand. Increased demand, brings greater reward, What can You do, for the Task Force?


Task Force Ripper founded 2945-12-26

Task Force Ripper formally associates with White Skull Contractors 2946-1-10
Task Force Ripper formally associates with Beachhead Resources 2946-1-10
Task Force Ripper formally associates with Ohana 2946-1-12
Leadership positions available.


When assigned a mission, you work until you accomplish the mission, are relieved from the mission, or you are dead. Failure is not an option.


Task Force Ripper engages in general commerce, exploration, security, bounty hunting and any other enterprise that will create a profit.

You will be assigned missions that best fit your training, experience and style. Top priority will be given to your preferences, but the mission comes first.

As of now, you will need to provide your own ship. Once the game is up and running, or sometime in the 1st quarter of 2016, I may purchase an expanded package that contains several ships. Those will be available to Task Force Members, at no rental charge.

Depending on game limitations, commissions on the net (after expenses) are negotiable.