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Fallen Empire / ROFE

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

The Corporation of R.O.F.E would like to welcome you to the best opportunity for new recruits just graduating from the UEE’s academy. Your piloting, engineering, and transportation safety skills will come in handy, and must be accessible through COMS channel TS3.


This was once a great empire, before the unification in 2380. Our empire spanned 1/3 of all the land on our prized home world Earth, from its rise in 2070, to its fall in 2375 in the war know as “The Paroxysm” when nearly all of our empire’s cultural wealth, art, music, and heritage, was wiped out of the history books. Our empire was called Syn so the enemy called us the “Syners” . We called ourselves the Yari, after our founder Yarl Wilson unified our people after WW3 in 2062. Yarl was born in Norway although no one is quite sure where. WW3 started in 2056 and was known for its multiple attempts by the east to destroy the west with nuclear missiles, all of which were shot down by the “Moon B.E.A.M”. Its sole purpose to shoot down any missile that exited the earths atmosphere. Regardless of its origin or its destination. Yarl designed this himself, and convinced NATO to build it. Of course he did not tell them he would be shooting down their missiles too. B.E.A.M stands for Binary Electronic Artificial Munitions. Was the Weapon utilized by Yarl to save all NATO nations and the world as he knew it. Yarl was not popular in the NATO governments, even after saving them from a sure loss 2 times from Eastern Nuclear Armed Balistic Missiles, or E.N.A.B.Ms, known to most people of that time as E.Ms. Yarl was known for disregarding NATO orders, although a great soldier and scientist for NATO, Yarl could not see his home world destroyed and he knew no one, not even all of NATO could touch him wile he controlled the B.E.A.M, which at the time could only support 1 life. The B.E.A.M itself had many parts, but had 2 main parts, “Control” where Yarl was stationed was the energy source and command center for the laser. Second was a sort of high powered mirror, it could intensify the laser and was used to hit parts of the world where the moon could not. This was also equipped with drones that could act like mirrors, or defend the B.E.A.M in case of emergency. The use of the B.E.A.M caused both the East and West Military to be effectively grounded, causing both to use dirty methods like sabotage and assassination.

Over time both sides had a large gap in leadership, and with each leader came less experience and more torment. Finally, after a malfunction in the B.E.A.M’s life support system, Yarl took a drone to Earth and was received not as a criminal by Westerners nor as an enemy from Easterners, but as a savior. Not from torture, famine, and war, and he did not save them from their dictators, but he did save the world from destruction. This caused the weakened leadership of both armies to pursue him. This did them no good for Yarl’s followers grew so large that 1/2 of all citizens of Earth, nearly 5 billion people supported him, defended him, and rose to protect his ideals. To Yarl Earth was number 1, 2nd was peoples rights and happiness. The old system used people to work for monetary gains, but he designed a system of machine labor and used machines to fix machines. It was in fact with a machine army he destroyed the last armies both east and west. When the war ended he built his new civilization on the American continent, It spanned from Canada all the way down to the tip of Chile. These machines used solar and fusion power to maintain themselves as well as their human ownership. In a no waste, no pollution, no human labor system, it was paradise, and so was born Syn in 2070. However not all were welcomed. A new requirement was put into place after Yarl died in 2073. To gain access to Syn you needed a psychological examination to insure you were no threat to this crime-less system. Many failed, as much as 3/4ths of all people who applied to live at Syn were rejected citizenship. This lead to a lot of hatred “how could the people whom have the most leave the rest of us out hear to starve?” people wondered. No one could sneak in either, the drones patrolled the boarder day and night. The only means of commute to Syn from the rest of the world was by boat or air, this left craft vulnerable to drone attack. For 300 years the forces against Syn, and its people the Yari grew. Their hatred and jealousy fueled the flames of the Syn’s future destruction. The Rebels utilized the weakness of the Syn’s maintenance drones to bring down the whole system, these drones and androids were to small to have fusion reactors in them. So they used solar energy, the Rebels managed to launch what was like a huge umbrella in space out of material that could withstand the suns heat near the orbit of Mercury. Where they got this material is unknown, but what is know is no attack drone sent from Syn could reach this area without melting do to the mirrors that bordered the umbrella sending intense light in the path the drones would need to take. Within just 3 years the system fell, all agricultural systems, water treatment, manufacturing, everything. With out the sun, without the maintenance drones, with out people trained to fix these systems, all was lost. Syn was lost. This caused are people to flee in search of food and warmth, they where met with fire from the drones the rebels made fueled from batteries and fossil fuels. Ships from the rebels who later went on to become the U.N.E and now the U.E.E surrounded Syn and its lifeless defense drones and burnt almost everyone and everything to the ground, almost….. in 2911 history from the Syn was discovered in what was then Northern Jamaica, by the R.O.F.E’s true founder Kevin Baker wile researching his ancestry on Earth in the form of an electronic log that was last dated 2374, the log created was for historical purposes and documented every day from start to finish of all the important events on Syn by an autonomous computer. Kevin learned what had happen to his long lost ancestors and set out to establish their power once again. He started Remanence of a Fallen Empire (a name in which we dont say fully in public just ROFE, and when asked jokingly laugh it off with a sarcastic answer) He set a goal to gain a world of its own and build its economic empire along side his ancestors former enemy the UEE to fund a PMC that would one day take back the glory of the Syn. Know as the “Eminence Subjugation” this will be the sole military force to drive our Fallen Empire to glory, with the combination of the R.O.F.E’s economic power, and the might of the future E.S nothing will stand in our way. We our close my fellow Citizens, and your wallets will reflect it when our dream comes to fruition!


We are here to make a profit above all else, We are proud of our pristine worker safety history, and our 9.7 out of 10 customer satisfaction rating, we have many different departments to cater to the many galactic needs of all our customers and our partners the UEE. We can quickly sell a wide range of high quality items, and this makes us a reliable partner for any organization. The list of our different departments can be viewed below.

-Department Management/Organization
-Defense Fleet

As for our future applicants out there fresh from the UEE academy, time to put those pilot skills to use in a number of ways, either transport or defense. Both have separate but very important skills. Good with a gun, or in a gunner seat? Of course R.O.F.E has a spot for you too in our robust Defense Fleet. Maybe your more hands on and like to show off that talent through mining and refining, maybe you like the comforts of a ship and would rather be on the engineering team to keep things running. If you have brains, people skills, and your a good salesman then Department Management, or Trade&Transport might be for you. No matter you’re skill set the R.O.F.E is the best place to use those skills to make that new UEE Academy graduation wallet heavy!!! Reach our Administration on TS3 @


As elite members of society working for an elite corporation, there are strict rules you must follow to maintain employment at R.O.F.E. The unfinished list can be viewed below:

You May NOT
-Take offensive action against any vessel, unless deemed hostile
-Sell information or any other R.O.F.E property with out written consent
-Take an action that reflects on the company negatively
-Miss more that 10 days of work (per 365 Earth days)
-Have open sexual relations with any fellow employees
-Say anything racially or sexually offensive

-Treat all clients with respect
-Respect your managers
-Listen and obey all orders given by management
-Be at your job site on time
-Take a single 1 hour break a day and a 30 minute lunch
-Ensure all work is accurate
-Do quality work
-Be available in case of emergency