Rogue Vector / ROGVEC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration





Another Hauler got scragged by pirates today. It’s all over the Nets. “Transport caught by Pirates unprepared as it came out of a Jump point”. “ Another Hauler lost due to lack of security”…

Damn Haulers, they never learn…

But did you, in your fancy leather chair and nice office desk, ever take a look behind the bridge of a Hauler? Did you ever wonder what makes them tick, what shapes and molds them?

We protect those who need protection, Enter our universe….

Mine is a universe that begins with a ship… This ship is my home, the fancy stuff you have bores me.

Damn pilots. they are all a like…

In the academy or flight school. I listened to my teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to plot a nav point. I understand it. “No, Mr. Roberts, I didn’t show my work. I did it in my head…”

Damn cadet. Probably cheated….

I made a discovery today. I found a jump point. Hold up a second, this is unreal. It does what it wants to. If something goes wrong, it’s because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn’t like me… Or feels threatened by me.. Or wants to make a name for themselves.. Or wants the goods i’m hauling…

Damn navigator. His head is always in the start. They’re all alike…

And then something amazing happened… a jump opened to a world… rushing through the universe like stems through an addict’s veins, a beacon pulse is sent out, a solitude from the day-to-day monotony is sought… an organization is found. “This is it… this is where I belong…” I know everyone here… even if I’ve never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again… I know you all…

Damn opportunist. Taking up all the new nav lanes again. They’re all alike…

You bet your corner office we’re all alike… we’ve been spoon-fed dirt of the Earth at school when we yearn for the stars… the bits of space that you let slip through were pre-plotted and cold. We’ve been run by the swine, or ignored by the blind. The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like singularities in the universe.

This is our space now… the space of the organization and the guild, the power of the protector. We make use of a service already present without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn’t run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore… and you pray upon the lost. We seek after knowledge… and you call us idealist. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias… and you call us misguided souls. You build death, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and tell us to believe it’s for our own good, yet we’re the criminals.

Yes, I am a PMC. My duty is that of curiosity. My duty is looking to the stars and making new connections. My duty is that of bringing people together, not by how much they can pay but by plotting new point in the universe. My duty is that of a shield for those who need protection, and a sword for those who cross us.

We are Rogue Vector , and this is our manifesto. You may stop an individual, but you can’t stop us all… after all, we’re all alike.


  • Rogue Vector Charter*

Charter Name: Rogue Vector Charter and Standings
Prepared by: Master Grue
Date: 2944-04-10 SET

1.0 Description
Rogue Vector is an organization that is comprised of three main focus points that work hand-in-hand with each other. The main points are to explore, mercantile, and defense of assets.

1.0.01 Explore
Rogue Vector exploration focus is that of discovery, charting, and information gathering. Discovery includes but is not limited to; Finding and establishing jump points, plotting new navigation points, site survey of asteroids and other celestial bodies, and providing newly gathered information to people and other organizations that require said information.

1.0.02 Mercantile
Rogue Vector mercantile focus is that of trade and transport. Mercantile includes but is not limited to; Transportation of goods and information, the establishment of new business ventures and needs, the trade and sell of stock either on private or public share markets.

1.0.03 Defense of assets
Rogue Vectors Defense focus is that of protection of the other two focus points and goals and interests. Defense of assets includes but is not limited to; Bounty and Bail protection, Defense of ships and physical assets, Infraction and infringement on Rogue Vectors goals and interests.

1.1 Classification of Organization
Rogue Vector is classified under the terms and guidelines outlining a Private Military Corporation (PMC)
Standings within share markets ROGVEC

2.0 Background Rogue Vector was established on the growing needs of planets and colonies in the expanding reach or the UEE systems. Along with the needs came the growing need to find and produce goods and create new means of income. With an overall encompassing protection of assets through force.

3.0 Scopes

3.0.01 In Scope
Production and fruition of goods both tangible and intangible to meet the needs of the organizations focus points.

3.0.02 Out of Scope
The productions and acquisition of goods or personnel through means not set in good nature by the organization or strictures set forth by the UEE.

4.0 Goals
1. Growth of personnel when situations require the need
2. Increase of productions and profits
3. Secure standings with in UEE space

5.0 Future consideration
Past this point is left for future consideration.