Rosicrucians / ROSAECRUCI

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Security

Rosae Crucis and Virtus In Arduis, brothers. Welcome to the Rose Crossed Knights Templar. Sworn to service and single minded in purpose, we shall uphold our oaths and stand true to our convictions. What our good Lord hath created, let no man tear asunder.


The Rosicrucians are shadowed in mystery. Their zealous faith in what they believe and loyalty to one another have become the trademark of the Rosicrucians, and their lineage has been traced back thousands of years to the times of the original Crusades in the holy lands around Jerusalem. With the expansion of human influence outside it’s origin planet of Earth, it has become the belief of The Rosicrucians that perhaps that one true artifact of the Lord may in fact be located off world. The quest for the Holy Grail has led them to the distant edges of the universe in search of God’s grace. For thousands of years they have searched, but made their cause known to very few outside their close knit group. Still the quest goes on…


The Brotherhood of Rosicrucians are considered zealots by some, but are in fact just extremely loyal to one another and will sacrifice all for the one, if necessary. The Rosicrucians’ goal is to recover the long lost relic that is told in the legend of their cause. They will find this holy grail out there in a star system somewhere. Also, in accordance with their sworn oaths, Rosicrucians will protect the innocent and unwary from any brigands and thieves that may accost them.

Resourced by a modest fleet, The Rosicrucians will strike out into unknown space, establish a base of operations, and begin their search. The only laws that guide them are the laws of God, and the end will always justify the means. This means the average Star Citizen may not always understand their motives – or what is considered right and wrong. A zealot’s faith is not tempered by reason.


1. Never stop searching on your quest for the Grail.

2. Come to the Aid of a Brother in Need.

3. Defend all the poor and destitute of true faith on their journey of enlightenment.

4. Provide Asylum for any criminal that seeks justice.

5. Destroy the Nonbelievers and Heretics, as well as the spawn of demons. Each Rosicrucian must decide whom is such.

6. Tithe.

7. Always improve one’s station.

8. There is no law of man. Only the Law of God.