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Rising Phoenix / RPX

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Forging a Legacy, Igniting the Stars, and Soaring Beyond Boundaries. Together, We Rise from the Ashes, United by Purpose, Fueled by Passion, and Bound by Honor, to Illuminate the Galaxy with Our Resilience and Unity.


Ten years ago, a small group of passionate space explorers envisioned a community that transcended mere camaraderie—a collective that would become known as the Rising Phoenix. Founded amidst the backdrop of uncertainty and challenges within the vast expanse of the ‘Verse, this organization was forged upon principles of resilience, unity, and a shared love for adventure.

In its infancy, Rising Phoenix consisted of a handful of individuals drawn together by their common dream—to explore the uncharted reaches of space, to establish a community where all could thrive, and to make a mark in the ever-evolving universe of Star Citizen.

Through dedication and unwavering commitment, what began as a humble assembly burgeoned into a thriving and diverse entity. Members hailed from all corners of the galaxy, each bringing unique skills, perspectives, and ambitions to the collective. Some were seasoned pilots, navigating the stars with expertise and finesse, while others excelled in engineering, commerce, diplomacy, or scientific exploration.

Their journey was marked by countless expeditions into uncharted territories, daring encounters with unknown civilizations, and the establishment of outposts that would serve as beacons of hope and opportunity in the darkness of space. The Rising Phoenix fleet grew, evolving from a modest assembly of ships to a formidable force, equipped for exploration, defense, and trade.

Yet, it wasn’t merely about conquest or power; it was about unity in diversity, mutual support, and the shared pursuit of a grand vision. They faced challenges—pirate incursions, resource scarcity, diplomatic crises—but it was the resilience of the Rising Phoenix spirit that saw them through each ordeal, emerging stronger and more united than before.

As the years passed, Rising Phoenix evolved into a cornerstone of the Star Citizen universe—an organization renowned not only for its accomplishments but also for its ethos. Their commitment to fairness, cooperation, and progress inspired alliances and partnerships with other factions and organizations across the ‘Verse.

Through community outreach programs, charitable endeavors, and collaborative initiatives, Rising Phoenix endeavored to make a tangible difference in the lives of those within and beyond their ranks, leaving a legacy that extended far beyond the boundaries of space stations and planetary systems.

As the organization celebrated its first decade, they stood not just as a collective of explorers but as a testament to the enduring strength of unity, the resilience of the human spirit, and the boundless potential of those who dared to dream among the star, Rising Phoenix, a beacon of hope and unity in the cosmic expanse.


The Rising Phoenix organization within the Star Citizen universe is driven by a set of profound intentions, motives, and views that guide its members and shape its contributions to the galactic community.

Exploration and Discovery: At its core, Rising Phoenix is fueled by an insatiable thirst for exploration. Their primary goal is to venture into the unknown, uncover hidden wonders, and chart new frontiers within the ‘Verse. Their passion for discovery drives them to push beyond established boundaries, seeking out the mysteries and marvels that lie amidst the stars.

Unity in Diversity: Rising Phoenix believes in the strength of unity amid diversity. With members spanning various backgrounds, professions, and skills, the organization thrives on the richness of its diversity. They value each individual contribution, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone’s uniqueness is celebrated and leveraged for the collective good.

Collaboration and Cooperation: Cooperation lies at the heart of Rising Phoenix’s philosophy. They understand that success in the vast and unpredictable universe of Star Citizen necessitates collaboration. Whether it’s exploring new territories, engaging in commerce, or facing threats, they prioritize mutual support and teamwork, forming alliances and partnerships that strengthen their endeavors.

Ethical Engagement: The organization upholds a strong ethical code in all their dealings. They prioritize integrity, fairness, and respect in their interactions with other factions, players, and inhabitants of the ‘Verse. Their commitment to ethical engagement shapes their diplomatic relations, trade agreements, and conflicts, ensuring that their actions align with their principles.

Community Engagement and Contribution: Rising Phoenix views itself as more than just a collective of spacefarers. They actively engage with the wider Star Citizen community, aiming to positively impact the universe beyond their immediate influence. Through charitable initiatives, community events, and outreach programs, they seek to leave a lasting, positive imprint on the ‘Verse.

Adaptability and Resilience: Adaptability is a key tenet for Rising Phoenix. They understand the ever-evolving nature of the ‘Verse and remain flexible in their strategies and approaches. Their resilience in the face of challenges allows them to weather storms, learn from setbacks, and emerge stronger, continuously evolving to meet new challenges head-on.

In essence, Rising Phoenix stands as an embodiment of exploration, unity, cooperation, ethics, community, adaptability, and resilience within the vast expanse of Star Citizen. Their intentions, motives, and views are rooted in a shared commitment to explore boldly, foster unity, and positively impact the ‘Verse while upholding a strong code of ethics and camaraderie.


Respect and Inclusivity: All members are expected to treat each other with respect, regardless of rank, background, or experience. Discrimination or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.

Teamwork and Collaboration: Cooperation is essential. Members are encouraged to work together, share knowledge, and support each other during missions, explorations, and engagements within the ‘Verse.

Ethical Conduct: Rising Phoenix holds its members to high ethical standards. Cheating, exploiting, or engaging in dishonest practices goes against the organization’s principles and is strictly prohibited.

Communication and Transparency: Open and honest communication is valued. Members should communicate clearly and transparently, sharing information vital to the success and safety of the organization.

Adaptability and Flexibility: Given the ever-changing nature of the ‘Verse, adaptability is key. Members should be open to adapting strategies, plans, and approaches to meet new challenges.

Contribution to the Community: Members are encouraged to actively engage with and positively contribute to the wider Star Citizen community through events, support, and constructive interactions.

Safety and Responsibility: Safety is paramount. Members should prioritize safety protocols during missions and engagements, ensuring the well-being of themselves and their fellow members.

Conflict Resolution: Disputes or conflicts should be handled respectfully and maturely. Members are encouraged to seek mediation or escalate issues following established protocols to maintain a harmonious environment within the organization.

Compliance with Regulations: All members are expected to comply with the rules and regulations set forth by the organization and abide by the laws of the ‘Verse.

Continuous Improvement: Learning and improvement are encouraged. Members should seek to enhance their skills, contribute innovative ideas, and actively participate in the growth and development of Rising Phoenix.

These rules aim to create a supportive, inclusive, and ethical environment within Rising Phoenix, fostering a community where members can thrive, collaborate effectively, and contribute positively to the Star Citizen universe.