Rusty In Places - Roughnecks / RRIP

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security


Organization was formed on .. 22-01-2944

We work hard to fulfill our vision of an organization that has the ability to provide support to all of it’s members and create an environment that enables people to play the game how they want while simultaneously contributing to the success and prosperity of all our org members. Your membership has meaning and everyone has a voice. We conform to your needs.

You can contribute to our Conquest.

So why join RRIP?

Becoming a member of RRIP will allow you to participate in any of our many events and
operations as well as provide you a safe environment to explore the Verse, as well as having
access to our extensive fleet of spaceships.

In RRIP you will find operations to participate in on a daily basis. All operations
are optional, so feel free to join in the ones that pique your interest. All of our branches
actively create medium and large operations, plus we have plenty of RRIP Teams in each
branch that you can join if you’d like to enjoy your experience along a group of like-minded

In summary, you will get access to:

• A great gaming community: RRIP has players from all around the globe, young and old, all united by the passion of gaming.

• All of our members are here to help each other and have fun together!

• Access to the RRIP Fleet: Do you only own an Aurora or a Mustang? Worry not, RRIP has a large amount of ships at the disposal of its members.

• Simply ask one of our officers in Discord and we’ll arrange it for you.

• Better profits: Our goal is not to only have fun but to also gain profit for each other. Playing together we can achieve more.

•Depending on the activity conducted the profit will be shared accordingly. RRIP ensures that the profit you make is higher than if you were to do the same activity alone.

•Daily operations: When we say you will never need to play alone, we mean it. In addition to the constant activity in our Discord Channel, you will find several organized operations every week any member can join!


We want to give you an opportunity to carve out the pieces that will help build the portrait of tomorrow. The voice of uncertainty might be telling you that the other guys are too big, too numerous and too well equipped to be beaten. Drown out those petty echoes and replace them with the voice of dissent. Every day is a battle, a vicious struggle between the easy way and the right way. It’s a bloody contention on a dark road where the destination is always just beyond the next summit.

You might ask yourself why we bother to walk this path and the answer is simple. Because it matters. We didn’t forge this community with the hopes that it would fade into obscurity. If our journey was a river then we could easily put our feet up and float down the path of least resistance. But that’s not us. We chose to travel upstream because that’s where new horizons are found. We’ve come far in a short amount of time but we’re not ready to stop and enjoy the view. With every step we take comes the knowledge that we need to take one more. So pull up your boots and join the grind because we’re just getting started.
Welcome to RRIP.

A deeper look into our organization:

Claim a sector in empty space for initial launch coordination and resource exploitation. Occupy a moon and establish a Forward Operating Base (FOB)

Maintain Order.
Conduct regular patrols to protect our FOB. Establish safe routes for travel and trade in RRIP space. Establish and maintain a safe environment in RRIP space and surrounding areas. Deny use of RRIP space to any unauthorized activity. Prosper. Continuously expand RRIP space as applicable. Discover and exploit all resources in RRIP Space, and surrounding areas as necessary to pursue stated RRIP goals. Establish trading relationships with other organizations. Pursue profitable contracts. Collect bounties. Collect Spoils of War as appropriate.


The RIP Gaming Community is active in multiple games and provides a website with a forum, as well as Discord for VOIP. Members may participate in multiple games and hold different positions in the hierarchy of each game. Clan rank is gained through membership time.

Membership Requirements

· Must have Discord; headset strongly recommended
· Must be mature
· Must not cause drama

• Divisions within RRIP

• Commerce, Industry & Manufacturing

Commerce, industry, and manufacturing are three interconnected sectors of game play that are vital to the growth and success of Roughnecks (RRIP). Commerce refers to the buying, selling, and transportation of commodities, plus the participation of members in Star Citizen racing game play. Industry involves the gathering and production of goods, such as mining and salvage, while manufacturing is the process of turning raw materials into finished products, typically in factories or other production facilities. Together, commerce, industry, and manufacturing form the backbone of RRIP’s participation in the Star Citizen economy, providing essential goods and services while supporting organizational growth.

• Contract Support Services

Contract and Support Services covers game play areas that are connected with in-game contracts or where RRIP members can provide a service to other members or players in general.

Contract services refer to missions or actions where members provide a specific service to another party in exchange for payment. These services can range from bounty contracts, data gathering contracts, or other contract missions offered through the in-game mission system. Contract services may also include outsourced work from members or other players once such a system is available. Contract services provide excellent opportunities for members to experience game play while growing their credit balance.

Support services are in-game services or activities provided to players or Orgs to help them meet a specific need or requirement. These services can include medical support; ship services like repair, rearming, and refueling; and engineering support for both ship and facility-based components. Support services are essential to mission success and can improve productivity, efficiency, and positive outcomes by meeting the necessary requirements to achieve success.

• Exploration & Survey

Exploration and survey are essential components to the success of Roughnecks in the Star Citizen Universe. Exploration involves searching for natural resources on moons and planets, while surveying refers to the process of mapping the land, water bodies, or other geographical features of discovered worlds. Exploration and surveying involve using advanced technology and equipment, including astrophysical sensors, remote sensing, and more. These processes help identify the location and extent of natural resources, determine the viability of mining or drilling, and provide essential information for construction projects. In addition, the Division provides essential support for the exploration of the Verse for members who want to experience game play as cultural experts, archeologists, scientists, or astrophysicists.

• Fleet Security

RRIP combat capabilities are grounded in the concept of collective security, where all members share the responsibility to safeguard the organization, its members, and its assets from attack or influence by others. Combat operations can be dangerous and require careful planning and execution to minimize risk and achieve the desired outcome. All members can support RRIP’s security by training and becoming certified to fill combat roles when called upon. These efforts are led by the Fleet Security Division.

Fleet Security is a special focus division within Roughnecks. Its purposes are primarily to learn about Star Citizen combat and combat mechanics, develop tactics from those game mechanics, plan, organize, and lead RRIP operations, and provide opportunities for members to train and build confidence to fill combat roles.

As a special focus division, Fleet Security consists only of staff and specialists. All Fleet Security staff and specialists started their experience in one of RRIP’s member Divisions. By participating in combat training and Org operations members help build their skills and confidence. Those members that demonstrate a high level of skill, a desire to learn about Star Citizen combat mechanics, and a willingness to devote a majority of their game time to grow RRIP’s collective security capabilities are selected to join the Fleet Security staff. All members are encouraged to contact the Fleet Security staff to learn what they can do to grow and improve their own combat skills and, in turn, how they can become part of ensuring Roughnecks collective security.

Star Citizen Ranks (Low to High)

• Affiliate

Affiliate member to the Organization.

• Officer

With large numbers and constant activities to be monitored throughout the Conquest, it’s the Officer’s job to coordinate the squadrons, ensuring the vision and motion of the Conquest remains steady. One must be at least a CS Member in the clan to hold this rank.


Oversees The Conquest. Establishes new goals to expand our influence.

Join Today?…


General Rules.

• Real life comes first!
• All external affairs and dealings with officials from other Organizations must be conducted in a manner that will not compromise the integrity, or place in question, the reputation of RIP or its members.
• It is off utmost importance that all members of the clan are treated with respect. It is also important to treat people outside the clan with equal courtesy. All disputes shall be dealt with in a responsible and mature style.
• Anybody caught cheating, hacking, exploiting irresponsibly, or griefing will be BANNED from RIP and also REMOVED from the organization .
• Treat all members with equal respect, regardless of race, age, opinions, gender, and sexual orientation.
• You may join other Organizations as an affiliate as long as their goals do not interfere with Roughnecks interests.

Punishable Offenses.

• Insults, personal attacks, abuse, harassment.
• Derogatory comments based on nationality, culture, race, religion, gender, or sexual preferences.
• Begging or Soliciting.
• Distribution of a user’s personal information.
• Discussing or linking to illegal activities.
• Giving real world or in-game threats.
• Advertising other clans or organizations.
• Discussion (with the intent to troll) of social, religious, political, illegal or other controversial topics.

• Alliances with other Org’s is welcome so if you are looking for an Alliance or non-aggression pact with RRIP Roughnecks then please get in contact with CyborgUK for more details.

• Alliances already :-

4th Combat Reconnaissance Patrol..

Ritter Industrial & Security Concern…

Antarus Corporation…