Reliable Rescue and Recovery / RRR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Transport
  • Resources

Join us on Discord!

View below for a list of pledged ships, what our goals are and our very basic rules. Please check our History, Manifesto and Charter to learn more about us.


Let’s create History together

Currently in RRR we have pledges/loaners to the following ships

Cutlass Black
Super Hornet
Greycat Buggy
Avenger Stalker
C8X Pisces
Argo Cargo
Argo Personal
Argo Mole
Nova Tank
Banu Defender
RSI Orion

If you wish to try out any of these ships or want to join for some multi-crew action, come to our discord and make some friends!


Reliable Rescue and Recovery will Focus on the following

INDUSTRIAL; Hauling, Mining, Refining, Salvaging, Repair and Refueling

HOME; Base expansion/protection

FAMILY; Looking out for each other and assisting future sister corps in operations

FINANCIAL GROWTH; Recovery of lost or stolen goods and thinking out of the box for corporate advancement.


We are a very lax group and don’t have intentions to grow to be the “BIGGEST CORP EVER but we want to run RRR like a family run business for company growth and to always have a place to call HOME

That being said we are all adults and have jobs with personal lives. As soon as a game becomes work, it’s no longer enjoyable. With that in mind we don’t require you to be super active, but we do want people who are passionate about Star Citizen and making life long friends. We will have a fun environment that you will hopefully enjoy and want to be active!

Here are some basic rules we have

Wear company colors when we are on assignment or a job that requires it.
Join the Discord and partake in chat
Be nice to each other
You are allowed to be in multiple corps but what happens in RRR stays in RRR