RSD Industries was created in 2954, while flying around the verse in our Constellation Andromeda a band of merciless pirates attacked us, one of our brave gunners noticed our shield flickering red, he then yelled out ‘REAR SHIELDS DOWN!, REAR SHIELDS DOWN!’ Alas this was not the case, we were only taking minor damage to our shields. After the battle was won, the Connie was renamed to the RSD Our flag ship for the Org. From that day on we vouched to make all pilots aware of keeping an eye on your rear as a attack from behind can surprise and kill us all. From this encounter RSD Industries was formed.
Other organisations might just be for pirating and PVP, some just industry etc etc, We are not here to stop you doing what you want to do, locking you into one type of gameplay, we want to empower you to play the game your way and feel we have made a no nonsense approach to catering for all playstyles, from SOLO, to GROUP, PVP to PVE, all are welcome within the Org and as the game expands to include other gameplay loops we have already built out systems supporting them additional playstyles too.
Here is our list -
We work closely with other orgs ultimately in becoming a Alliance with each others. we are about building up from a strong foundation.
If you are ready to join click the enlist button and come join the Discord
Ultimately we are all here to enjoy the verse, we all have many play styles, here at RSD we value all playing styles as everyone has a place, We believe in our Power Triangle – RESOURCE MANAGEMENT > RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT > SERVICES.
This encompasses all styles of gameplay and how each type of player can support one another.
A MINER may ask for some DEFENCE while MINING from our DEFENCE FLEET, the fleet takes out a group of PIRATES in PVP, PVE Salvaging ships come over and SALVAGE the destroyed ships, the resources from MINING and SALVAGE are REFINED, our LOGISTICS fleet TRANSPORTS the resources so our CRAFTERS, BUILDERS, RESEARCHERS and ENGINEERS can CRAFT, REPAIR and MAINTAIN our fleets and points of interest. our fleets can then go out to DEFEND, RESCUE, EXPLORE for new areas to MINE and EXPLOIT, hence the circle/triangle is complete. Obviously it’s a little more complex, but you get the idea.
As you can see we have a home for everyone, we don’t limit play styles, we try and help you become the best you can be in the verse!
If you have a Main organisation already no problem you can join us still and you will be known as a Affiliate, If you are another org leader you can still join and your org too as we are also trying to build out a alliance of organisation that work with each other.
Make the step and click the Enlist button
Join the Discord
We look forward to flying with you!
We help the Org, the org helps us, we believe in equilibrium, everyone has a place here, help each other and foster growth!