Rocky Stream Syndicate / RSS

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Exploration

When whitewater comes rippling down and the ship’s getting jostled, anything that puts credits on the table is good enough for us. Load yourself up with the best you’ve got. We’re going fishing.


Born on the northern shores on Long Island near the remnants of 20th Century train lines, the fairly recently founded Rocky Stream Syndicate was originally a family-owned and operated hauling business. Poor initial investments made for a scratchy start, but success with a variety of inter-system routes on rare exports and food products brought enough profit to the company to hire a small fleet of vessels, mostly Aurora class. That luck, unfortunately, would not hold out for long. Gambling debts and service payments did not mix very well, and by the time the company passed to the next generation it was a shell of its former self. Now taking work wherever they can find it, the pilots and crews of the Rocky Stream Syndicate stick together. Out there in the wastes of space, two ships are better than one.


Bill of Conduct

Violation of this Bill of Conduct will be reprimanded by whatever means the Boss and his Chief see fit.

DO NOT under any circumstances strand a fellow syndicate member or leave him or her defenseless. The only way to survive is to stick together.

Titles, such as ‘The Boss’ or ‘The Chief’ are equivalently ranked.

All profit will be split evenly between the Boss and his Chief. Should others partake in an action, they will be afforded a split deemed ‘fair’ by the Boss and his Chief.

Enemies minimize profit. All possible steps should be taken to minimize casualties in a combat environment. Anger over lost cash is one thing, vengeance for a lost loved one is costly.


Any cargo. Anywhere. Anytime. At a price of our own choosing.