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Rubicon Defense Industries / RUBICONDEF

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

We take what is ours through the power of combined arms in order to promote security and stability throughout the galaxy.
“Above all, don’t cross the Rubicon.”

Honor — Loyalty — Strength — Proficiency



Founding of RDI.
Bakinda named as Commanding Officer.
ChronicOG named as Executive Officer.
DivineTactics named as Sergeant Major.

Ixchel recruited as operator (Undefined).
KOCONA recruited as operator (Undefined).


gingergarlic recruited as operator (Undefined).


RDI charter drafted


gingergarlic promoted to Chief Intelligence Officer.
UnderwatcH recruited as operator (Hastati).


Cordacc recruited as operator (Alaris).
Stratuwolf recruited as affiliate (Freighter).


CheatCoder recruited as operator (Undefined).
Disco_Flair recruited as operator (Undefined).


Lonnnyy recruited as operator (Undefined).
Froodman recruited as operator (Undefined).
Dyvinevalentine recruited as operator (Undefined).
Shad0w446 recruited as operator (Undefined).


Undossa recruited as operator (Undefined).


Venerati recruited as operator (Undefined).
DatPandax recruited as operator (Undefined).
KyleJW recruited as operator (Undefined).
Soulraizer recruited as operator (Undefined).


SanCor recruited as affiliate (Auxillary).
ibejustchillin recruited as operator (Alaris).


Koolaidman762 recruited as auxillary (Undefined).


Koolaidman762 promoted to operator (Auxillary).


gosd recruited as affiliate (Auxillary).


skunk232 recruited as operator (Undefined).
.apL recruited as operator (Undefined).


Joaquin recruited as affiliate (Undefined).


Rubicon Defense Industries

RDI is a private military company founded upon the idea of universal dominance and military structure. As an operator for RDI, you will be tasked to provide security, logistics, and support for the organization’s best interests. We are an organization formed by military veterans and civilian contractors who are focused on securing and holding down regions of space and the profits to be found there.

Unlike other organizations who view this time as a “waiting period”, at RDI we view this as a great time to train and perfect our unit cohesion. We hold optional operations and multi-level training every day of the week from the basic level all the way to organizational tactics and SOPs. Leadership positions are still available for those who wish to become a bigger part of this new and growing private military company. Operators are requested to fill in these key roles within our organization.

Praetorian 1 (Special Operations) —

Hastati 1 (Marine Platoon) — — Legionary 1 (Armor Platoon) —
Hastati 2 (Marine Platoon) — — Legionary 2 (Armor Platoon) —
Hastati 3 (Marine Platoon) — — Legionary 3 (Armor Platoon) —

Alaris 1 (Fighter Squadron) — — Titan 1 (Capital Ship – IDRIS) —
Alaris 2 (Fighter Sqaudron) — — Titan 2 (Capital Ship – HAMMERHEAD) —
Alaris 3 (Fighter Squadron) — — Titan 3 (Capital Ship – POLARIS) —

Equite 1 (Support Ship Squadron) —
Equite 2 (Support Ship Squadron) —
Equite 3 (Support Ship Squadron) —

Auxiliary (Logistics and Support) —
Bounty HuntersR&DExplorers

Leadership Position Opportunities

In addition to the opportunity to be an operator in our combined arms efforts, we are also seeking exceptional and committed individuals to fill our numerous leadership positions within our organization. That includes squad/wing leaders, platoon/division officers, logistics officers, and several upper management positions. If you are tired of just being another name in a multi-thousand member organization, RDI is the place for you!

There are also opportunities to join our elite task force: Praetorian 1. Individuals seeking to enter into this revered team are subject to skill evaluation and will be hand selected from those who show the highest aptitude and desire to learn. We also hold weekly tournaments to decide the organizational ACE.


What is the organizational stance on morality and piracy?

RDI does not condone the needless griefing and piracy of players for the sake of amusement or sport. Although the organization skirts the line between ‘good’ and ‘bad’, we will maintain lawful behavior when operating in UEE controlled space or when representing the UEE as a whole. That being said, RDI’s mission is to control and hold down regions of space under any means necessary. That may include taking locations or resources by force after exhausting all diplomatic means. We defend what is ours.

Will I be restricted to a certain role within the organization?

No. Although we would like to maintain teams of individuals who are operating in the field best fitting their skills, operators are free to change between roles whenever they see fit. The squads and teams are meant to be close-knit groups of individuals who are able operate independently of the organization whenever not participating in joint operations. The training and operations for these groups are overseen by the squad and team leaders, who then report to the division officers. Each team/squad is able to select their own play-times (excluding joint ops), with full discretion given to the unit leadership. However, real life will always come first. You will not receive any negative consequences for being unable to attend play times.

I am focused on mining and trade, what benefits are there for joining RDI?

We are proud members and sole military force of the FEC alliance. Within FEC there are several orgs that conduct a range of operations consisting of mining, hauling, exploration, medical, salvage, logistical support (repair, re-arm, refuel), transport, and broadcast media. All organizational members contribute to the goals of the alliance together. Where ever FEC makes land claims, RDI is tasked with defending it, Very Good Mining is tasked with mining the area, and so forth. Those interested in industry or logistics are encouraged to join RDI as an Auxiliary member where we can give you access to the partner organizations within the alliance.

Will I be forced to call anyone “Sir”?

No. The militaristic structure of RDI is meant to ensure maximum operational effectiveness against all types of enemies. Although operators will be required to listen and follow the orders of their leadership during operations, at no point will any member be required to address tactical leadership as their rank. These ranks are meant only to guarantee accountability and combat effectiveness during operations and to organize training and contracts. All of our leadership has either served or been contracted with the United States military, and thus we cannot think of a more asinine notion as to call a civilian “Sir”.

Why should I join RDI as opposed to one of the massive PMCs?

As an organization, our entire leadership trains and is online every day of the week in order to continue to advance the skill level of everyone involved. We hold daily training sessions including FPS infantry training, Small Unit Tactics training, Dogfighting (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4), Outpost Point Defense, Ambush training, Assault training, Boarding procedure training, Hot-drop training, and weekly combined arms operations. Unlike many other organizations who are viewing the time leading up to release as a “waiting” period, we view this time as perfect for establishing tactical dominance early. In addition to participating in our unique training, in RDI you will also have numerous opportunities for advancement and leadership positions with your own independence and sovereignty. Unlike being in other PMCs where you are just another ‘private’ in a sea of privates, in RDI we treat every member as vital to our organization as a whole.

What are the requirements for joining?

Currently, there are no requirements for joining other than the desire to learn and improve while maintaining a certain level of maturity and civility. That being said, we ask all members be over the age of 18. Those under the age of 18 will be subject to a brief voice chat interview where the leadership can accurately gauge the maturity levels of the applicant. As we continue to grow and fill out our ranks, members will be asked to pass certain skill evaluations after receiving adequate training for the combat role of their choice. Those who pass and excel at all available trainings will be asked to join our special operations task force, Praetorian 1.


Article 1 — Mission Statement

Rubicon Defense Industries (RDI) is a PMC focused on taking what is ours through the power of combined arms in order to promote security and stability throughout the galaxy. RDI is strictly non-pirate in the eyes of the UEE and maintains good standing with law enforcement agencies.

Article 2 — Company Management

2.1 Command Staff

Command staff is the primary upper management that coordinates all policy and organization within the company. The command staff consists of the Commanding Officer (CO), Executive Officer (XO), and the Sergeant Major (SGM).

The CO’s primary role is to oversee all functions of the organization and is the main diplomatic representative for the company. The CO also handles all back-end and management responsibilities for the RSI organization page and forum marketing. In the event of a joint operation including multiple branches of the company, the CO will be the primary strategic planner and coordinator between subordinates.

The XO’s duties include assisting the CO in management and decision making for policy, marketing and graphic design, assisting with recruiting (In-game), assisting with strategic planning, and assisting in diplomacy. In the event the CO is unable to attend a joint operation, the XO will inherit all responsibilities of the CO.

The SGM’s duties include implementing the training procedures that have been distributed by the command staff, company security, and development of standard operating procedures (SOPs). In the event of joint operations, the SGM will be tasked with the micromanagement of subordinate leadership.

2.2 Upper Management

The upper management of RDI is composed of the Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Treasurer, Scribe, and Chief Intelligence Officer (CIO). The positions are responsible of all management responsibilities that are delegated by the command staff.

The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) is tasked with ensuring the proper training of medical assistants and combat medics that are a part of the organization. This means ensuring that all medical staff are properly outfitted and posses adequate knowledge to preform their medical roles. This may include setting up training or mock operations where the CMO may gain insight on the readiness of the medical staff.

The company Treasurer is responsible for maintaining records on all transactions and finances within the company. This also includes the handling of all of the accounting responsibilities within the company. The Treasurer is also tasked with the analysis of current market opportunities, which they then report to the command staff.

The company Scribe is the main record keeper for all meetings and decisions that are reached by the upper management and command staff. They are also tasked with the maintenance and organization of all forms and documents that are generated from the command staff.

The Chief Intelligence Officer (CIO) is responsible for all counter espionage operations throughout the company. Any findings made by the CIO are to be reported directly to the SGM for security action. The CIO is also responsible for all espionage and reconnaissance operations that are conducted by RDI.

Article 3 — Military Occupational Specialties & Roles

The three divisions that make up RDI are Ground Operations, Space & Air Operations, and the Support Division. The Ground Operations Division consists of infantry, light-armor, and special operation elements. The Space & Air Operations Division consists of fighter squadrons, multi-crew ship support groups, and the capital ship battle group. The Support Division consists of Freighter, Transport, Medical, Electronic Warfare, Mining, Explorations, and R&D.

3.1 Ground Operations

Praetorian — This is the elite task force of RDI which is counted on for all special operations being conducted by the company. Although Praetorian is classified under Ground Operations, operators in this squad will be required to be the best of the best in every aspect of Star Citizen. Operators must qualify and excel in all available trainings and must show to the leadership that they can be counted on no matter what the situation. In joint operations, Praetorians will be tasked for special assignments such as securing a VIP, para-rescue operations, extraction, point demolition, and special targets. There is only one special operations squad, Praetorian 1.

Hastati — The main FPS combat element that is used during most combat operations. Operators within Hastati are the primary “Boots on the Ground” element that is responsible for maintaining security, planet side contracts, and boarding operations. During joint operations, Hastati squads are tasked with securing a location, point defense, setting up ambushes, boarding parties, ground patrols, movement to contact, and assaulting fortified positions. Hastati is broken up into three squads: Hastati 1, Hastati 2, and Hastati 3. These squads are composed of 5-7 operators under the command of the squad leader. Roles within a Hastati squad include marksman, rifleman, AT rifleman, SAW gunner (LMG), and grenadier.

Legionary — This is the armor division that is deployed by RDI in support of ground operations. The current vehicles being used by RDI are the URSA land rover, the Cyclone (TR Edition), and the Tumbril Nova (Heavy Battle Tank). Legionary teams are tasked with providing security and over watch and direct armor support for planet side operations. During Joint Operations, tasks for Legionary include providing over watch, conducting 360 security, providing transport for ground teams, neutralizing enemy armor and fortifications, and bringing armor superiority to a battlefield. Legionary is broken up into three three-man teams consisting of a driver, gunner/turret operator, and a navigator/assistant (dependent on vehicle being utilized).

3.2 Space & Air Operations

Alaris — Alaris is the fighter wing component of RDI and is responsible for maintaining air superiority over land and space engagements. This will include finding, engaging, and destroying enemy air combatants that are hindering the progress of an operation. During joint operations, tasks may include providing air security, maintaining air superiority, destruction of ground targets, suppression of ground locations, and scouting missions. Alaris is broken up into 3 squadrons: Alaris 1, Alaris 2, and Alaris 3. These squadrons are made up of 5-6 fighter pilots. The standard issue fighter is the Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet, dependent on the instruction of the squadron Lt. Cmdr.

Equite — Equite is our support element including crew ships such as the Cutlass, Retaliator, Redeemer , Constellation Aquilla, and others. These ships directly support both ground and air teams by providing over watch, conducting specialized combat tasks, and by bringing supplies and transport to a battlefield. Tasks for Equite include transporting ground forces, transporting supplies, deployment of ground vehicles, providing support for Alaris squadrons, destruction of ground targets, and providing over watch. Equite is broken up into three 2 man teams: Equite 1, Equite 2, and Equite 3. Roles within Equite include pilot, co-pilot, and turret operator positions.

Titan — Titan is our battleship and capital ship battle group tasked with providing air and space dominance over all types of targets. Currently our primary capital ships being used is the Polaris, Hammerhead, and Idris. These ships have crews ranging anywhere from 5 – 30 operators specialized in a variety of different positions. This is our primary method of controlling and holding down territory in space. Tasks for Titan include territory control, space & air superiority operations, controlling major engagements, and shows of force. These roles may also include the assault and destruction of enemy assets on the ground and in the air. Crew numbers and roles are to be determined based on features to be implemented.

3.3 Support Division (FEC ALLIANCE)

Trade & Industry — Operators who are interested Trade & Industry divisions are those who are interested in conducting operations that utilize mining, hauling, salvaging, R&D, or trade. All industry pilots are granted free protection provided by the company to conduct business where ever they see fit within our territory (discussed in article 6). Although members of this division operate independently for much of their day-to-day business, trade and industry are the “life blood” of the alliance which allows the alliance to conduct all other operations. Because of this, operators who are apart of this division are highly respected within the ranks of RDI.

Medical & Combat Support — This segment includes all operators who preform combat assist roles for an operation. This includes medical personnel, explorers, scouts, electronic warfare pilots, and bounty hunters. Tasks to be completed by this segment include, but is not limited to, surveying locations, exploring jump-points, determining habitable locations, supplying corpsmen, providing medical services, conducting electronic warfare operations, and hunting down high priority targets.

Article 4 — Strategic Leadership Structure

4.1 Command Level

For joint operations, the Commanding Officer (CO) will be responsible for creating and implementing strategy on the highest level and will create all war plans to be initiated and disseminated by subordinates. The CO will also be in direct communication and contact with the Executive Officer (XO) and the Sergeant Major (SGM) during operations. If the fleet is present, the CO will reside on the largest and most secure ship to ensure maximum battlefield awareness and security. If no fleet is present, the CO will reside with the ground forces upon the discretion of the SGM.

The XO is one step down the command chain from the CO during joint operations. The XO will be tasked with assisting in battlefield strategy and will be in control of all joint space & air forces. Upon receiving orders from the CO, the XO will disseminate the respective orders to the leadership in control of the Alaris, Equite, and Titan divisions. During operations, the XO will reside with the fleet, where they may have the greatest control over the movement and actions of forces under their command.

The SGM is one step down the command chain from the CO during joint operations. The SGM will be tasked with assisting in battlefield strategy and will be in control of all joint ground forces. Upon receiving orders from the CO, the SGM will disseminate the respective orders to the leadership in control of the Praetorian, Hastati, and Legionary divisions. During operations, the SGM will reside with the ground forces, where they may have the greatest control over the movement and actions of the forces under their command.

4.2 Operational Level

For the Air & Space division: Alaris and Equite squadrons will each have one Captain (CPT) in charge of leadership for their wing or battle group. The CPT position is one step down from the XO, and will be in charge of receiving and disseminating orders to each of the units under their command. The CPTs will be tasked with receiving an order, constructing a strategy, and disseminating that strategy to subordinate units. During joint operations, the Alaris CPT will reside with the fighter wing, the Equite CPT will reside with the support wing, and the Titan CPT will reside with the capital ship battle group.

The command of each individual squadron will be under the orders of the squadron Lieutenant (LT). The LT is one step down from the CPT, and will be tasked with the micromanagement of all subordinate operators. During joint operations, the LT will receive orders from CPT, construct a strategy, and implement the movement of the operators under their command. The LTs will reside with their respective squadrons and will lead from the front lines.

For the Ground Division: Hastati and Legionary will each have one Captain (CPT) who will act as platoon leader (PL) for their respective platoons. The CPT position is one step down from the SGM and will be responsible for receiving and disseminating orders to each of the units under their command. The CPT will receive orders from the SGM, construct a plan or strategy, and disseminate the plan to their squad leaders. During joint operations, each CPT will reside with their respective platoons in order to accurately asses and respond to battlefield situations.

The command of each individual squad will be under the orders of the squad Sergeant (SGT). The SGT is one step down from the CPT and will be responsible for the micromanagement of their squads. During joint operations, the SGT will receive orders from the CPT, construct a strategy, and implement the movement of operators under their command. Each SGT will reside within their respective squad during operations and will lead from the front lines.

Article 5 — Code of Conduct

  1. Shall not engage in the griefing of players for amusement
  2. Shall not engage in criminal activity when in UEE controlled space
  3. Shall not be labeled as an “affiliate” if serving in combat arms
  4. Shall act with an adequate amount of maturity and respect
  5. Shall not harm or cheat fellow organizational members
  6. Shall always act with honor and integrity when representing RDI

Operators who fail to adhere to the code of conduct will be subject to termination by the command staff. Each case is handled on a case-by-case basis.

Article 6 — Special Considerations: Trade and Commerce

Operators who fall under the divisions of Trade, Industry, or Commerce will not be required to be a “main” member of RDI and may be allowed to become an affiliate. However, operators under these categories will still be recognized as full RDI members and will be treated with the same respect as any other member.

Article 7 — Ammendments

Any changes of the charter must be agreed upon by the Command Staff. These changes go into effect 24 hours after the inception unless otherwise stated.